I Won't Say I'm In Love

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Although it was against my better judgement, I was determined to have my way with Cable. So, I completely changed my attitude, and for the next week, I did everything I could to gain his attention, good or bad.

Some days I'd get up early and make breakfast for everyone, saving an especially large plate for him, even going so far as to serve him his food and coffee as soon as he sat down (which, of course, tipped off the other members of the team). Wade would complain as to why Cable was getting special treatment when he was my employer (despite ever paying any of us), to which I would shrug, and send a secret wink in Cable's direction-- I was certain I had caught him blushing a couple times.

Most recently I began to wear more revealing loungewear, usually opting for yoga shorts and a tank top (sometimes without a bra). This of course came with the expected reactions (from Domino, a nod; from Russell, an odd shift; and from Wade, an exasperated gasp, followed by a you whore while he ushered Russell away). I made sure to always pass by Cable in the halls, or time when he'd get out of the showers to make my debut. Whenever I would make it there before him, I would purposefully leave my clothes in my room and exit in just a towel so he'dhave to see me that way.

And, to be frank, it seemed to be working.

I had caught him staring sometimes, pretending to be interested in whatever was on TV when we'd all gather in the living room on game nights. Lingering stares as we'd pass each other in the halls. He even began voluntarily following behind to cover me on missions. And I was loving the attention.

But he still hadn't returned to my room at night.

Until today.

Having left my clothes in my bedroom, I exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel and made my way across the hall, noticing Cable was nowhere to be found. I shrugged and opened the door, flicking on the light, and dropped my towel in shock upon finding him sitting on my bed, wide eyed and red.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he stuttered, quickly looking away. I was frozen, completely taken by surprise. It took me a moment to snap out of it and pick up my towel, quickly wrapping it around me.

"It's okay" I said. This is your chance, Cami. Be sexy. I sauntered over to the closet and began rummaging for clothes.

"I didn't know you were gonna come in like... that" he said from behind me. I scoffed and looked over my shoulder, seeing him looking at the ground now, fiddling his thumbs.

"Like I don't always shower at this time" I lied, turning back to the closet. I grabbed a pair of black underwear and mustered up the courage (and confidence) to drop the towel to put them on.

"I'll come back when you're dressed" he said, and I heard the bed creak from his shift. I looked over my bare shoulder and smirked.

"It's fine. I mean, it's nothing you haven't seen before, right?" I replied cheekily. He hesitantly sat back down, and I turned back to the closet, pulling out a t-shirt and sliding it on. Deciding to skip the shorts, I turned back around to face him.

"What's up?" I asked. He had both hands on either of his thighs, and hung his head for a second, letting out a breath before looking up at me.

"Look, I've been noticing a change in you..." he said, trailing off. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked. I began slowly walking towards him.

"Well, good because I know you don't hate me... Bad because, you know..." he trailed off, eyes scanning my legs as I approached him.

"Yeah, the whole timeline thing. I know" I said, finishing his sentence. I slide myself between his legs, placing my hands on his broad shoulders, looking down at him. I felt him tense up under my touch.


"You know it's bullshit. You said it yourself, you can't keep yourself away from me" I said, running a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing lightly.

"Well, you're not making it easy" he replied. His stare was directly on my stomach, and he bit his lip.

"Come on, I'm your wife for fucks sake," I said. I felt his fingertips gliding up the front of my thigh, almost featherlike. I leaned down, bringing my lips to his ear.

"I know you want this just as bad as I do" I whispered. His hand found my pantyline, and began gently pulling at the band. His touch was like electricity against my skin, sending shivers wherever his fingers trailed. His free hand ran up the back of my thigh, pulling me closer. I lolled my head back and closed my eyes, relishing the moment. I felt his thumb run over a small part of my abdomen.

"It's not there" he whispered. I came out of my trance in a flurry, and shook y head before looking down at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" I asked in confusion. He shook his head and slightly pushed me away.

"I can't do this" he said, looking away. I let go of him and stepped back, running a hand through my hair, the other on my hip as I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

"You can't keep doing this to me" I nearly whispered. He looked over at me slowly, clearly confused.

"You can't keep doing this, leading me on and then pushing me away... I can't take it anymore... You wan't me to hate you? Keep it up" I said. He hung his head, dropping his arms between his legs.

"You think this is easy for me?" he asked. I chuckled.

"It sure as hell isn't easy for me" I replied, crossing my arms, "I mean, I'm freaking in lo-"

"Don't say it" he snapped, pointing a finger at me. It was the first time I'd ever seen him so stern with me, and I was taken aback. I stared at him in shock. He lowered his finger slowly and got up, running a hand through his hair as he made his way toward me, stopping right in front of me.

"I'm sorry but, just... don't" he said softly, looking down at me. I could only stare at his chest, which was at my eye level. Tears began to sting and form, threatening to spill over. He walked past me and out of the room, closing the door behind him, as I was left to my thoughts, alone in the dim room.

I was in love with him.

And he wasn't having it.

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