An Unexpected Turn of Events

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We were called in for a mission the next day. Some animals on the other side of town had started picking up young girls and keeping them prisoners. However, when we got there, it seemed to be something much bigger.

There was a large boat at the docks, ready to transport these girls overseas. Human trafficking. The thought of it made me sick, and enraged.

We moved out early in the morning, taking the jet to the docks. Still upset and shocked at Cable, I avoided him at all costs, sitting far away from him during the ride, which caught a couple eyes. I ignored them, along with Cable's almost apologetic look.

We touched down, and ran towards the dock. Wade had somewhat of a plan; sneak onto the boat, find the girls, save them and burn the motherfuckers that put them there in the first place (which made Russell very happy). We nodded and broke off into pairs, Cable following behind me as I tried to keep as much distance between us as I could. Shots rang out across the docks as we made our way to the boat. Once inside, we began searching for the girls.

It didn't take long. After taking out some of the guards, we found a couple girls down below, tied and gagged. We quickly ran over and untied them, just as the fighting seemed to be getting more intense.

"Gotta move fast. Who knows how many more guys they have" Cable grumbled, cutting the ties on a girl.

"Aye aye, captain" I replied, earning a look from him. I rolled my eyes and ungagged another girl. Once they were all freed we ushered them upstairs, only to be met with three men with guns. Cable whipped his canon out and fired it, taking out two of the men. I quickly shot at the other, sending two bullets into his chest and he fell to the ground. As I pointed the gun down, one of the girls came up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Otra esta arriba!"  she yelled, shaking me. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, grabbing her arms to calm her down.

"It's okay, we're getting out out of here" I said. Cable was helping the other girls off the boat and looked over in confusion.

"Otra esta arriba!" she repeated. Jeez, Cami, remember high school Spanish. I tried my hardest to remember something from that class as she kept yelling in my face. Cable came over and began to walk the girl the ladder, helping her get off.

Otra. Another Arriba. Up. Another up?

Another upstairs. My eyes widened and I looked at Cable.

"There's another girl upstairs!" I called. Cable squinted at me, then shifted his gaze to the man on the floor I shot. He had something in his hand, and Cable quickly shot at him, hitting him in the head-- but not before the man clicked something. A screen to our left changed and large red numbers appeared, counting down from thirty seconds. These fuckers really rigged a bomb? Cable and I looked at each other, and I quickly turned around and ran upstairs.

"Cami!" he yelled.

"I can save her!" I yelled back. Bounding up the stairs, I kicked down the first door I saw. Sure enough, there was another girl, younger than the rest, tied up on the floor. I untied her quickly just as Cable appeared behind us. I grabbed the girl's arm and walked her to the balcony door and opened it, helping her get her footing to climb down.

And then we heard it. A faint ping, and my gut dropped. We were out of time.

Cable and I looked at each other, frozen momentarily. He quickly moved over to me, ripped the girl from my hand and pushed her off into the water below us. He stood in front of me and put up his mechanical arm, engaging his shield, just as the explosion erupted. The force blew us both backward, sending us flying into the water.

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