Not The Reunion You Hoped For

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"Cami! Wake up, we gotta move!" Wade called from outside my room, banging on the door like a madman. I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I sat up. The blanket that covered me slipped off, allowing a cool breeze to hit my forgotten exposed skin. With the sudden realization, I remembered the events of last night, and my heart raced. Oh, the things Wade would say.

I looked over to wake Cable and stopped short-- he wasn't in bed. Getting out of bed, I looked around the room to see his clothes were nowhere to be found either. I attempted to reassure myself; He said he wouldn't leave,Cami. He loves you. I pushed the negative thoughts out of my head and grabbed whatever clothes I could and quickly got dressed before walking to the door and opening it.

"What is it Wade?" I asked, full of annoyance.

"There's a problem. A space-time kind of problem, not too far from here" he replied. "We're leaving in 10". He began walking back down the hall. I threw on my gear and was downstairs in no time to see Wade, Domino and Russell boarding the jet. I climbed in and sat in my normal seat, looking around.

"Where's Cable?" I asked. Wade turned around and stared at me.

"What do you mean, I thought he was with you last night" he replied. I felt my face flush and I looked down.

"Oh come on, everyone knows there's something going on between you two. And you weren't exactly keeping quiet either" he continued. I clenched my jaw and swallowed hard before looking back up at him.

"He left" I said. I could see Wade's expression change from under his mask. Humiliation washed over me as I lifted my gear bag onto my lap, checking over the contents as Wade's gaze never left me.

You're so stupid Cami. You should've known...

"Alright... take off in three, two," Wade said skeptically from the pilot seat. Within minutes we were in the air, flying to our mission. The whole time I was mentally cursing myself for allowing myself to believe Cable.

Soon we were flying above a chaotic scene; civilians beneath us ran for their lives as what could only be described as multiples of a green-suited, red-haired mercenary with a sword chased them about, cutting off the occasional head. I dug around my bag for my trusty handgun set and made sure they were loaded.

"Alright, gang, we're missing our most beloved and valued member, but let's go out there and kick some ass! X-Force, ass-"

I was out of the ship before Wade could finish his sentence. I ran towards the herd of clones, firing my gun, hitting almost every target I aimed at. It wasn't until I was fighting them that I realized it was a person, with an electric-like katana. Soon I was out of bullets and had no choice but to whip out my blade and start getting close.

"There's too many of 'em!" Russell called out. I ran over to him and stood back-to-back as he released a large ball of fire, completely incinerating a group of at least twelve clones. I looked over to my right to see Wade flipping over three clones and decapitating them in one fell swoop. One ran up to me and I stabbed it in the head, kicking its body away from me in time to see Domino wrestling with another.

"We... can't... beat... them!" she called out. At that very moment, a blast of light shot over her, blowing away the clone she was fighting off. I looked in the direction it came from and sighed at the sight.

Of course. Cable.

"Oh yeah! Now it's a party!" Wade yelled, making a shish-kebab of another clone. I groaned and rolled my eyes as I continued fighting off a couple more clones while Cable simply blasted the rest of them away. I continued keeping my distance as best as I could, and Cable seemed to have no interest in being near me either.

Just when we thought we were in the clear, one of the clones ran up behind Cable. Without thinking, I ran over, intercepting the clone and stabbing it in the head. Cable turned around, shocked that he didn't see her coming. He looked down at my as I held the bloody blade out. I felt myself at a lack for words, unable to even think with his gaze on me.

"Thanks" he breathed out.

"What the fuck, Cable" I replied, unable to contain my emotions.


"No, you said you wouldn't leave and you did. What the fuck is up with you? I mean, you say you love me, that I'm your wife and we have a kid—"

"Wife?" The others exclaimed at the same time. I hadn't even realized how close they were to us, and simply raised a hand at them to be quiet.

"And yet, it's like you don't want to be around me" I continued. Cable shook his head and sighed.

"Cami, it's not like that" he replied. I scoffed.

"Then what is it like?" I asked, a hint of a laugh in my voice. I'd had enough of his excuses already.

"I'm so sorry—"

"No, fuck your apology—"

And suddenly a searing pain shot through my body, and I felt myself jolt forward. A bright light shone in front of me, and couldn't speak.

But Cable's face told me everything, and it wasn't good.

He stared down at me in shock, and slightly behind me in rage. He moved to kick, and ended up kicking something beside me. At these same moment, I fell backward, as if something had pulled me, and the bright light disappeared. From the ground, I could see the blurred green and red of the clones, and saw Wade plunge his sword into the clone's chest. I was then jostled as Cable pulled me into his arms frantically.

"Cami, Cami look at me" he said, his eyes scanning me, worry- no, fear- written all over his face. I felt myself becoming weaker, and realized I couldn't move.

"Ca..." was all I could make out before all sound drowned out and I was consumed by darkness.

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