Mind Fuckery

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It seemed like Cable was avoiding me at all costs the next day.

We were out on a mission; Wade heard about some gangster terrorizing the neighborhood and wanted to fix him up. Apparently, he hadn't heard about his fifty armed henchmen he kept at the ready. To make a long story short, Wade came out of it looking like Swiss cheese, Domino got her first scratch ever, and Russell set the building on fire as a last ditch attempt. The entire time, Cable didn't even look in my direction.

When we got back to the mansion, everyone dispersed to do their thing; Domino searched the kitchen for goodies, Wade and Russell were fighting over the television (Russell wanted to watch cartoons and Wade insisted on watching the Bachelor finale), and Cable grumbled as he climbed the stairs to his room. I decided to do the same, clutching onto the little treasure I had picked up along the way.

Once in my room I locked the door and walked over to my dresser, opened my sock drawer and pulled out a small box. I took it over to my bed and sat down, opening the box. This was where I kept whatever small keepsakes I had collected over the years; trinkets some of the street kids I grew up with gave me, small valuables I'd found on missions. Today in particular I found a gold cuff link on one of the dead gangsters (alright, took it off him), and placed it in the box, next to a gold tooth I knocked out of a mobster's mouth one time.

My eyes trailed over to the corner of the box, where a pair of dull rings were. I picked them up gently, rubbing my thumb over the inside engravings: my heart and my soul. They belonged to my first and only foster family; they gave me the rings when I moved in with my first serious boyfriend, in hopes that I'd have a love that would last as long as theirs. They died from carbon monoxide poisoning a week later. Needless to say, I got lucky leaving in time, but not so much with the boyfriend...

I put the rings back down and closed the box, returning it to its hiding space in the draw. I looked over at the bedside table and saw the time, shocked at how late it was. How long had I been reminiscing? I changed out of my suit and into shorts and a t-shirt, and climbed into bed. Just as I got comfortable, a knock sounded at my door.

"Who the hell?" I mumbled to myself. I got out of bed and walked over, opening the door. To my surprise, Cable was standing right outside, a stern expression on his face as he looked down at me.

"Hey" I said, surprised. He nodded down at me.

"Hey," he replied, "how ya feeling?". I raised an eyebrow at the question.

"I'm fine, considering" I replied. He nodded silently, looking down at the ground. Awkward silence fell upon us, and I sighed.

"Wanna come in?" I asked. He looked back to me quickly and nodded, taking a slow step inside the door. I closed it behind him, feeling butterflies form in my stomach as I remembered the last time he was in my room. I turned around and faced him, pressing myself to the door, finding myself holding in a breath. I breathed out and took a step forward, moving towards the bed.

"How are you? You had like, what, seven guys on you?" I asked, sitting at the edge of the bed. He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" he replied, looking at the floor. I cocked my head to the side, slightly smiling to myself; he was shy, and it was the most adorable thing ever.

"Why are you here, Cable?" I asked. He looked up at me slightly, letting out a breath, and took a step closer.

"About yesterday..." he started. I shook my head, putting a hand up to stop him.

"I'm not upset or anything... like I said, I... didn't mind it" I said, trailing off at the end. Jeez, Cami, could you sound more desperate?

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