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We followed Wade out to the front lawn of the mansion, gathering Domino and Russell on the way out. Cable's grip on my hand tightened the closer we got outside, and I felt my heart race. I had only just got him back, and now he was leaving, this time for good.

"Alright, here" Wade said, handing the device to Cable. He took it and held it, hesitant to put it on his wrist. He looked up at me slowly and let out a small chuckle.

"You know, all I've wanted since I got here was to go back to my family. Now..."

"You're nervous?" I asked cheekily. He smirked.

"Kind of. I never knew much about my wife before we met... Now I know why" he replied.

"Well, what did I tell you?" I asked.

"You were a bartender" he said. I laughed and shook my head.

"Eh, who knows where I'll be in-," a thought popped into my head, "How many years till we meet?". He sighed, clenching his jaw.

"40 years?" he said hesitantly. I felt my gut drop, and I sucked in a breath. I was not expecting that.

"That's... far" I said. He nodded and stared at me a minute before pulling me close, pressing his nose to my hair.

"I'm gonna miss you" he whispered. I chuckled.

"You'll see me in like, two minutes" I replied.

"No, this you. The one I never got to meet" he corrected. I bit my lip and pulled him tighter, trying to memorize as much of him as I could; his scent, his voice, the curves of his body, even the metal ridges of his arm.

He pulled away and reached up, taking off the scarf from his neck and putting it over me, surprising me. I lifted it to my nose-- it smelled just like him.

"I love you" he said, bending down once more and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. When we pulled apart, he pressed his forehead on mine. 

"I love you, too". He smiled and began walking backward, sending a wave goodbye to the others. He finally put on the device and calibrated it, pausing before hitting the button. He looked straight at me.

"Just know... really, really  weird shit happens to me in the future" he called out. I laughed.

"When doesn't it?" I called back. He smiled and shook his head.

"See you around"he called back before pressing the button. A column of bright white light surrounded him in a second, and then he was gone. Everyone stared at he empty space in silence, and an empty feeling rose inside me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Wade with a solemn look on his face.

"You okay?" he asked. I sighed and nodded, looking back at the empty space.

"I'll be fine".


"Weasel" I called, sitting down at the bar. I tossed my jacket on the stool next to me as the older man turned around, adjusting his glasses. "Another one".

"Just have the whole damn bottle" he called, sliding it towards me. I sighed and took it, pouring myself another shot. "Fuckin' hell, Cami, it's not even noon".

"What, you don't get lonely here? You used to" I replied, downing my shot. I smacked my lips and pouted at him.

"Yeah, but I'd still like to have something to sell to the customers that actually pay, Camilla" he shot back. I rolled my eyes and tossed the cap at him, drinking from the bottle now instead. He stared at me. "Jesus, you really don't feel anything anymore".

Tomorrow: A Cable FicWhere stories live. Discover now