Hot, Sweaty (Sexy) Mess

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The next day I woke up covered in sweat. My sheets found their way to the floor, and I had somehow managed to take off my shirt and tie my hair up in my sleep. Groaning, I picked my shirt off the floor and put it on, rubbing my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom. It seemed like the heat was everywhere.

"Jesus, why is it so hot?" I mumbled to myself. Just as I approached the bathroom, the door opened, revealing a shirtless, muscular Cable. I froze, staring at his god-like body; he was older, but his abs were sculpted to perfection, even with half of it made of metal...

"Guess it's my turn now" he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at him.

"Did you just make a joke?" I asked. His face returned to its normal seriousness, and I immediately regretted it. He stepped out of the bathroom, and I watched as he walked down the hall. His shorts sat low on his waist, revealing an equally toned backside, and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"It was a good joke" I called out, shaking the thoughts out of my head. He continued walking, and I groaned, pulling myself into the bathroom.

God, Cami, you're so stupid.

I brushed my teeth and splashed some cold water on my face and neck, attempting to cool down, but it was no use. Groaning, I walked out and made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where the rest of the team had assembled and were equally irritated.

"I make fire come out of my hands and I still couldn't handle the heat last night" Russell complained as he pressed his cheek to the cool countertop. Domino shrugged her shoulders.

"My room was still pretty cool" she said happily. I chuckled. Of course it was.

"Any idea where it's coming from?" I asked, turning to look at Colossus. He shook his head.

"The air conditioning seems to have broken down last night" he said, wiping his forehead. Just at that moment, Wade came riding into the kitchen on a red Razor scooter.

"If only we had, I don't know, a super psychic, telekinetic teenager who's good with technology. Or a guy with a freeze ray who coincidentally has a partner with a flame gun. Good morning mutants" he said in his usual sarcastically chipper tone.

"Not a mutant" I said, raising my hand. He shot me a look.

"Well, shitty morning to you Annie" he said. I rolled my eyes and opened up the fridge, sighing in relief as the cold air washed over me. I took out the carton of milk and pressed it to my neck.

"Why do we need those... insanely specific people?" I asked, turning around to the rest of the group.

"The air conditioner is caput, sunshine, and no one knows how to fix it" he replied.

"So why not just call someone?" I asked, taking a seat at the counter.

"We don't even have enough money to have more people appear in this 'mansion', you think we can afford a handyman to come and fix the entire AC unit?" He replied.

"I'll fix it" a deep voice said. I looked over to the doorway and saw Cable with a rag over his shoulder and holding a box of tools. God, could this man get any sexier...

"What are you gonna do, give it your parts?" Wade asked, quickly turning to the rest of us for a reaction. We replied with moans and grunts, too hot to actually laugh.

"Fine, be that way" he said, and scootered away, kicking his leg up dramatically behind him.

"Where did he even get that scooter?"

A little while later, after a very cold shower, I made my way out to the yard, a lemonade in hand, and walked over to Cable. I found him crouched by the AC unit, shirt off and glistening with sweat. God...

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