Rollercoaster Ride

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"I'm your wife?" I repeated in disbelief. Cable looked at me and nodded, arms outstretched defensively- or cautiously. I looked back at the ring in my hand, unable to process the whole thing. 

"But, how?" I asked, shaking my head. "You're from like... the future future".

"Like I said, it's complicated" he replied, taking a step closer.

"Lay it on me" I said, forcing a chuckle to lighten the mood. He sighed and looked down at me.

"You don't age. Well, you do, just extremely slow. It's your ability, your power" he said. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"No, no. I'm not a mutant, I don't have any abilities" I said, moving to the bed. I sat down, rubbing my temples, and sighed.

"They must come out later, at a stressful time," he replied. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "When I meet you, you look exactly the same as you do now...". I shook my head and began laughing.

"For someone who claims to miss their wife... you do a damn good job at ignoring her" I said. Cable clenched his jaw and squinted at me.

"How could you not tell me?" I asked.

"I couldn't," he started, moving toward me. "Everything I do here affects my future. And besides, you're not exactly truthful either".

"What?" I asked.

"You never told me you were a part of X-Force! You told me you were a waitress!" he exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh. He forced a straight face, but gave in and allowed a small smile, something I'd never seen on him before.

"You can't get mad at me for something I say in the future. At least not me me" I replied. He laughed and walked over to the bed and sat at the edge with me.

"I could never be mad at you" he sighed. I gazed up at him, admiring his features. I marry this guy.

"We get married" I whispered. He chuckled.


"I just... I never pictured myself doing that. Getting married, having a family..." I said, a sudden thought popping into my head.

"We have a daughter" I said, unable to hold back a smile. Cable nodded.

"Yeah. Her name's Hope" he replied. I made a face.

"What did you do to make me agree to that name? Sounds like an old grandma" I said, shaking my head. He let out a chuckle and sighed.

"Surprisingly, you picked it out" he replied. My eyes widened.



"God, I'm a horrible mother" I said, covering my face. I gasped. I'm a mother.

"Holy shit, I'm a mom" I said.

"Why is that so surprising?" Cable asked. I shrugged, taking a sigh as I fell back on the bed.

"I never saw myself as the mom type, ya know? My parents didn't give a rat's ass about me, I was on the street practically my whole childhood... Having a kid just didn't seem like the smartest idea for someone like me" I replied. Cable furrowed his brows and laid down next to me.

"Well, I can honestly say, I think you do a great job at being a mom" he whispered. I turned my head towards him and smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah". I felt a blush creeping on my cheeks and looked back up at the ceiling.

"How do we meet?" I asked.

"Nope. Can't tell you that" he replied. I frowned and turned on my side.

"Why not?" I asked.

"If I tell you, it could affect what you do leading up to that moment, changing the future. Our future. Besides, I'm not even born yet" he said. My eyes widened.

"So I'm technically older than you?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded, holding in a laugh.

"I know, doesn't seem like it, right?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No... you look... really good..." I replied, allowing myself to scan over his body. The way he laid made his shirt ride up, revealing a hint of his god-like abs. I could see the outlines of his muscles as I trailed my eyes up his body, and stopped at his neck.

"What... happened to you? To make, ya know... that happen?" I asked hesitantly, gesturing towards his mechanical arm. His face fell, and she shook his head. I immediately regretted the question.

"That story is for another day" he replied. He slowly sat up and pushed himself off the bed, making his way to the door. "For now, I think it's best we both get some sleep". I got up and walked over to him.

"You could stay... you know, since we technically are married..." I said. He sighed and hung his head, shaking it no.

"This doesn't change anything Cami... you and I... it can't happen" he said. I felt a pang in my chest, and looked up at him with furrowed brows.

"But I-"

"I can't risk anything that would make you not end up with me. Present me- well, future me. If it does, then me coming here would be for nothing because then you and I, and Hope... it would all have never happened. That's one timeline I can't mess with..." he replied softly.I looked at the ground and nodded, sucking in a breath. I had a feeling in my gut, one that I couldn't describe, that overtook my whole body. I couldn't look up at him, but merely nodded, biting my lip.

"So, I like you, I think you like me, we get married, but-"

"We can't be together right now" he said, finishing my sentence. I felt tears sting my eyes once more, and sniffled, nodding again.

"Got it" I said, looking up at him through tear-filled eyes. He shook his head and stretched an arm toward me, but I moved back.

"Goodnight, Cable" I said, closing the door. I let out a shaky breath and walked over to the bed, climbing in and pulling up the covers.

I've just been dumped by my future husband. Some luck you've got, Cami.

Tomorrow: A Cable FicWhere stories live. Discover now