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I stood on the top of the abandon factory, looking out towards the city of Boston. I felt the warm evening breeze gently lift my hair as the sun continued to set, the blood was still drying on my hand causing it to itch. I could still smell the faint copper and fear on me from the man I killed, a serial rapist who preyed on the young and vulnerable. I was covered in his blood, my clothing saturated, his blood splatter was still on my face. I didn't take it easy, no, I knew how to slowly bleed someone out and make it as painful as possible. It's something I usually avoided, messy kills, but sometimes you have to make a statement.
"Kara?" I heard his soft deep voice from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to the sandy haired man, the shirt he wore threatening to rip from his muscular body if he even so much as sneezed. His chestnut colored leather coat hung open, the chest strap for his holster crossed his torso under it. He walked over to me, and wrapped his massive arms around my shoulders. I leaned my head back, allowing it to rest on him, as I let out a sigh with contentment.
That's Steve, he's a sweet guy when he doesn't have to put bullet in the back of someone's head. Like me, he is an executioner, we kill people to help society. Yep, you read that right, our orders come down from the highest part of local authorities. We are hitman controlled by the government. Our only role in life is to kill, not just anybody though, we kill bad people. People who have killed or repeatedly hurt others, like the asshole I bled out.
At the age of five boys are tested, to see who has the capacity to make it in the group. They check for mental fitness, testosterone levels, violent tendencies. If they pass the test they are sent to a group home, branded with a mark of the region they come from, ours is a star on the left side of our neck, then they are groomed for their role in life. As an executioner people willing hand over anything that we ask, and if they don't, we take. Doesn't matter what it is, we're a violent bunch of people, have to be. Being nice will get you killed.
That I know of I'm the only female ever to be an executioner. I was picked up off the streets as a baby, my mother dead in an alleyway of a drug overdose. The executioner that found me raised me in his dorm room till I was five and then sent me to training. Growing up in a home where they train boys how to kill was rough, almost being raped as a teenager multiple times or being almost killed, I had to adapt. I had to learn to be smarter then them. I knew I would never be stronger, so I had to be more clever.
That's where I met Steve, my back up, when things got over my head he came in and took over. We had each other's backs on more then one occasion, and unlike other executioners we were together. Another odd thing about executioners is we usually work alone and don't form attachments, it's a sign of weakness. That being said, I'd love to see any one of them challenge us on that, if someone were to hurt him there would be no stopping me from slaughtering them.
"Looks like you took one out of my book." Bucky's voice was full of humor as he walked over to us.
We didn't meet Bucky till we had graduated from the group home. One of the most ruthless of executioners out there, with a love for the flare of dramatics. Often times his kills were savage in a way that could scare even me. Steve and I like to keep things quick and clean, his preference was by a single shot to the back of the head, mine by the hunting knife on my hip.
But Bucky? He would use whatever was convenient, gun, knife, pipe, brick, or just rip out someone's neck with his metal fist. The messier it was, the better his mood. He was a silent killer, often times sneaking up on his hit before launching a full blown attack.
At the time he was the only one in the Order Of The Midnight Sun, tasked with making sure that the rest of us didn't break our core rules. If someone did, a beating was the only warning to shape up. Broken bones generally change people's minds, if they didn't, their mangled body was found in the dorm where they lived as a reminder to the rest. That was his main duty, to keep the rest of us in line.
Bucky had become somewhat smitten with Steve and I, offering for us to join him. Now we work together, live together, the three of us together. They were my boys, and I was their girl.
   I looked over at him, his chocolate locks hung free down to his stubble covered chin. Blue eyes twinkling as he looked over at me, his black jacket drenched in some else's blood. The left sleeve ripped off like most of his jackets, his metal arm reflecting the waning light from the sun, the other sleeve pushed back up to the elbow.
"Sometimes your methods make a point." I smirked over at him as he leaned down pressing his lips to mine.
"I love it when your covered in someone else's blood." He chuckled as he broke the kiss.
The rule is simple, only kill the name on your list. You can take what you want or need, hurting regular people is highly frowned upon, and unless you have a good reason for doing so then it isn't in your best interest to do it. Otherwise you'll have a visit from one of us and you better hope it's Steve or I.
"You done with your list?" Steve asked looking over at him.
"Of course, thirty down. Told you I could do it, and now you owe me twenty bucks, Rogers." Bucky quipped back, linking his fingers with mine as he smiled over at Steve. I looked down at his bloodily right arm, our tattoo barely visible through the crimson. Every executioner has one, a black sword and gun going through the eye sockets of a skull, the ends sticking out the open mouth. The bold word carnifex above it, simply stating executioner.
"Did you use any weapons, cause that was part of our agreement." Steve quipped back, nuzzling the scar on my neck from the branding, a crescent moon in circling the star. Bucky had added the crescent moon after we agreed to join him in the Order, I had forgotten how much the first brand had hurt till that night.
"No, why would I do that?" Bucky scoffed, jesting with him.
"Alright boys, as much fun as it is listening to your banter is I'm going to go shower. I really want to get the rapists blood off of me now, I feel disgusting." I stated, pulling myself free of the both of them. They both grinned over to me as I walked away. I flipped them both off, smirking.
"Alone." I added.

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