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    The next morning I woke when they did, both men dressing in quiet unison. I watched as Bucky tossed Steve his gun, Steve tossing Bucky his jacket. They moved perfectly in tandem, I sat on my knees still wearing Steve's shirt from last night. My hands in my lap playing with hem, Zimo's words haunting me and yesterday's revelations still in my head.
    "I'm going to south Boston later." I stated quietly, two pairs of blues eyes snapped up to me, all movement stopped.
    "Why?" Steve asked, putting his hand on Bucky's chest, stopping him.
    "Cause, I can't get what Zimo said out of my head." I admitted, looking down at the grey fabric. "And I need to find out more, especially now since Bucky has killed someone that wasn't convicted."
    "His name was on my list, Doll." Bucky's voice came out far softer then I was expecting.
    I felt the bed dip under his weight as he sat on the edge. He reached out, lifting my chin with his knuckles so he could look me in the eye. I wasn't going to tell him I was worried, even though I was, this was uncharted ground we were on. He committed murder by a technicality, which means his name could appear on the hit list.
     "Don't worry, beautiful girl." He told me softly, leaning forward and kissing me gently. "If want you, I'll go with you, I only have a couple names and I can get them later."
    "You don't have to." I replied, crawling off the bed, pulling the shirt from my body.
     "Yes, I do." He walked up behind me quietly, pressing his cold hand on my bruised ribs. The pain ebbed as he stopped. "I need to make sure you're safe."
    I turned to face him, the smile on Steve's face behind him didn't go unnoticed by me. I looked at Bucky and nodded, grabbing my own shirt from the ground pulling it on over my head. Quickly I dressed as Bucky waited leaning against the kitchen counter, watching me intently as I ready myself. Steve had already left, I patted my hip and thigh making sure both knives were in place while looking around making sure I didn't forget anything.
     "Ready kitten?" He asked tossing my helmet to me, I caught it with a smirk as I followed him down the stairs.
     We walked over to his Harley, the chrome glinting in the morning sunlight. He swung his thick thigh over the seat, and grinned as I walked up behind him and did the same.  I buckled my helmet as he kicked the stand up from the ground, turning the bike on. It roared to life as he twisted the throttle and we were off to south Boston.
    I walked into the odd shop on the street corner, the star above it giving off it's purpose. I was washed with thick incense of herbs and spices. Bucky walked in behind me, his eyes scanning the room as I grabbed the plastic basket. I walked around for a bit as the young woman at the counter finished talking to girl in black.
    The woman behind the counter had long auburn hair that was loose, and wavy towards the bottom, her long red leather jacket was hung open like every other time I saw her. Wanda was one of those rare individuals in life that pulled you in, she made you want to know more. More of what? That just depends, I've know this woman for the better part of ten years and I'm still learning more about her.
    Her eyes flicked up to meet mine, and then they focused pass me, no doubt taking in the massive man behind me. She knew what I was, and she knew about my unusual life style. A part of me hated coming her, it was my fault her brother was dead. She bid the customer goodbye before walking around the counter passing the two of us. Locking the door behind the girl in black.
    "Kara." The word was accented as she wrapped her arms around me pulling me tight. "I was worried about you."
    "I'm fine." I whispered, tears beginning to form behind my eyes.
     "He did this to you, and he's made you doubt." She stated pulling away from me, her pale eyes scanning my face.
     Some call her the Scarlet Witch, some call her a heathen. She works in herbs and stones, 'magic' some would say. She knows things that one couldn't possibly know, and she is one of my closest friends outside of Bucky and Steve.
   "I'm sorry." I said dropping my eyes to the floor, I didn't deserve her worry. I deserved her anger at not keeping her twin safe.
    "No, no sorry. I told that idiot brother of mine not to go out." She stated, walking towards the back, linking her hand with mine, pulling me with her.
     Bucky hesitated, looking at me, and I nodded for him to follow. I could see the uncertainty in his eyes, the soft whirring of the plates in his arm. He followed Wanda and I to the back of the little shop. Trinkets and medallions covering the walls, herbs in glass jars and stones piled neatly in the corners.
    At her table was four chairs, normally there was only two. Four tea cups and kettle, she had been waiting for us to arrive.
     "You want to know more about what Zimo told you." She stated, sitting in a chair.
     "Yes." I replied sitting in the other chair. I looked up at Bucky who was scanning the room before looking back down at us.
      "I brought a chair out for you Bucky, I intend for you to sit, not stand there awkwardly." She stated, looking up him. His brows pinched together looking back over at me.
    I shrugged my shoulders at him as he took a seat, giving her a weary eye. She smiled back at him, and poured us each a cup of tea.
   "I was hoping I got the name right." She grinned handing him the cup. "Kara doesn't talk a lot about either you, well at least out loud."
    "I'm not sure I know what you mean." He finally spoke for the first time since entering the shop.
    "Kara is quiet, she doesn't speak much. When she does it's very direct and to the point, however." She leaned forward, tapping her temple, lowering her voice to just above a whisper. "She is very noisy up here, and her thoughts are always of you and Steve first."
    I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in front of my chest.  Bucky looked over at me again, before looking over at the mysterious woman before us. She let out a light chuckle as she blew on her cup, trying to cool it down.
     "How?" He asked.
     "Wanda.. is different." I stated, looking at her, before turning my face toward him. "And I only come to her when I'm stuck."
     "Except, you aren't this time. You have your answers, you are just choosing not to believe them." She stated matter of flatly, sitting the cup down. "The guilt of Pietro's death is not on you, so stop feeling that way. He was a big boy, and I warned him that someone was after him. And in the end he would die."
     "Still, if your brother didn't know me.." she raised her hand cutting me off.
    "He would of been dead eight years ago. I'm happy, I got barrowed time. And that's why your here, isn't it?"

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