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    Our training room was massive, it was what had been the main floor of the old factory. It held an array of obstacles that we might encounter on a day to day basis. From mock building tops, to thin railing, hauls of old cars. It resembled more of a indoor parkour wet dream. This is where kept ourselves at our best, going toe to toe with each other in here. Always trying out maneuver each other, for fun and games.
     However this wasn't a game, is was me attempting to get away from the best there was. I knew the routine, if I could make it out the front of the room I was safe, if not I would just have to except whatever punishment he had to deal out. There was no pause button, no Steve coming to the rescue, even if he did dare open that door he wouldn't step in to interfere.
     I sprang from my spot, rushing to railing that hung over head. Leaping up I caught it, swing my legs up hard as I let go, flinging myself to the top of the nearest mocking building. Bucky had the strength and speed in his long list advantages. I had the agility and the cunning, my two strongest qualities.
    As we played this dangerous game of cat and mouse, me just staying outside his reach, out smarting him every chance I got, I could hear the agitation in his breathing. I was covered in a thick layer of sweat as time wore on, sliding from one hiding spot to the next, inching closer to the door of freedom. If I didn't say this excited me, I would be lying.
    I peaked around the corner as the room fell deafly quiet, heart pounding at fast and steady beat in my chest. I flicked my eyes back to the door, ten feet. Fuck it. I sprint out of my spot, crossing the open space, I never heard, never saw him. He was more predatory then any man I had ever met, hunting me like prey.
    His body slammed mine into the closed door, chest heaving against my back. He grabbed both my arms extending them far above my head. He bit down on my shoulder, purposely leaving a mark, his sign of dominance. He flipped me to face him.
    Bucky's face was obscured in the darkened room, he held both my hands in his one of flesh. He grabbed the front of the old grey shirt I was wearing and ripped downward, the sound of fabric ripping filled the room. I was completely naked before him, heat pooling between my legs. He reached up, circling his hand around my throat, adding the slightest amount of pressure as he leaned forward. He took a deep inhale as he buried his face into the crook of my shoulder.
     "Naughty little girl." He growled, forcing his knee between my legs. "Do you challenge me just so that way I will punish you?"
     "No." I stated defiantly, keeping my voice level. He pulled his head back, looking down into my face, I met his stare head on. "I defy you cause you're an idiot."
     I heard him let out a growl in the back of his throat as he squeezed around my neck a bit tighter, sending a second wave of heat straight to my core. He slid his metal down my arms, reaching my bare chest, his fingers pinching one of my hardened nipple between them. I bit my lip, refusing to allow the moan to slip out.
     "You will listen to me." He said huskily, rubbing is thigh against my wet core. The friction sending shivers up my spine, he twisted on my nipple gently, watching my face as I bit down harder onto my lip, willing myself not to react to his touch. "My my kitten, your body is betraying you again, as hard as you try not show how much your enjoying this, my knee is soaked from you."
     I couldn't speak, my mind a jumbled mess as he continued to work his knee against my wet core. I tilted my head back, exposing my neck to him as I tried to gather my thoughts. His mouth latched on the front as he let go with his hand. I felt him reach forward taking my other nipple between his fingers, rolling it between them. My hips bucked forward at the added touch.
     "Turn around." He growled, moving his hand off my body, I turned to face the door, placing my palms against the smooth cold metal. He didn't tease my fold as he pressing his finger into my slit, cold metal shocking me as he buried it up to the knuckle on the back of his hand. "So wet, and ready. Get on your hands and knees, in the middle of the room."
      I heard his pants hit the floor, I bit the bottom of my lip again, following his instructions. No sooner had my hands touched the floor, he rammed into me at full force. That painful pleasure sending shockwaves through my body as he snapped his hips back before driving back into me. He reached around my body, slipping his cool finger into my slit, finding the hidden little nub.
     "Think you can back talk?" He growled as he kept up with his brutal pace. Sex is one of two things for this man, stress relief or dominance. He reached up my back with his spare hand, grabbing a fist full of my sweat dampened hair, as he bucked into me, his other fingers working my clit hard, bring me to peak in a matter of a few minutes. I came around him, my walls trying to clench on to him as he snapped even harder into me. "You're going to cum again, little girl."
      "Please." I begged, already feeling myself beginning to tighten again. And I did, I came around him a second time, his body tensing as I felt him spill inside me. I looked over my shoulder, and saw Steve rubbing the front of his pants at the door way. Bucky smirked down at me, pulling himself from my sore pussy.
     "Stay." He told me as he walked over to the blonde who stood there staring at my naked body. In yet another play of dominance he grabbed the front of Steve's crotch, pulling on the bulge in the front of his pants. "I know you want to, show her who's in charge. Make her see that your the dominant one between the two of you."
      "Buck." Steve breathed, just staring at my waiting form. I could feel heat beginning to pool as I watched the two of them. Bucky stroked the front of Steve's pants, getting him more riled up. He had been trying to get Steve to be more like him for years, trying to make him stronger, more ruthless.
      "Steve, she's waiting. Can't keep a dame like that waiting, can you?" Bucky cooed in the other mans ear, slipping his hand in front of his sweats, grabbing his cock. "Think how it will be to take her like needs it. Trust me, she enjoys every second of being shown who's the boss. Dripping wet, kitten show him."
       I did as instructed again, sliding my hand under my body fingers on either side of my sore opening. I pressed my outer lips open, slickness dripping into my palm. I heard Steve moan, I looked back as he eyes landed on my dripping core.
      "Fuck." He breathed, his feet slowly starting to move toward me, Bucky's hand pulling out of the other man's pants.

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