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Borrowed time, isn't that all everyone has? Isn't that how I started my life, being born behind a dumpster in some back alley. My mother dead just a few feet from me, my strangled cry just being heard over the traffic. Some would say I should of been left for dead, one more mouth to feed on an already strained welfare system.
"The man who ordered the hit against you wasn't Rumlow, he has no idea. As usual." She stated, settling in the chair. "His initials are TS, and he is very powerful."
"TS?" Bucky asked, looking to me.
"Yes, he was also the one who ordered the hit on the man in Needham." She added, grabbing her cup off the table.
"On Killian?" I asked, holding my cup in my hand.
"No, the other one."
"On Jonesy? How? That hit came in from the usual source." Bucky asked looking back to Wanda, she shrugged her reply.
"I don't know the details, I just know that one didn't come from Rumlow, it came from him." She responded.
      "Jesus." Bucky breathed, picking the cup up off the table.
     "If what I feel is happening, then the three of you need to be more careful. Steve you don't have to hide in the shadows." She stated, looking up from her cup, Bucky and I spun in our seats.
     Steve stepped out from behind the beaded curtains, his glock in his hand. His eyes staring at the woman before us, his lips forming a thin line. Somebody else's blood was smeared into his short beard, I slowly looked over to Wanda. Four chairs, four cups, she knew he was coming.
   "Steve, why are you here?" Bucky asked, I jumped up knocking my chair over and stood in front of the Scarlet Witch. A bad feeling washed off me, I could feel the tension coming off of Steve in waves, it didn't feel right.
    "Cause he was sent to kill me." She spoke calmly from behind my back.
    "Kara." Steve growled, his eyes finally focusing on me.
    "What crimes has she been charged with!" I demanded, grabbing at the knife at my hip.
    His eyes flicked down, noticing that I was starting to arm myself. Bucky slowly stood, taking a step towards him. Steve didn't flinch as his eyes shot up to the dark haired man to my right.
    "Witchcraft." He replied, taking a step slightly back so he keep us both in his line of sight. I could see the tenseness in his body by the cord muscles in his forearms as he clenched his fists at his sides. The grip on the glock in his right hand tightening even further as it hung loose at his side.
    "Steve, we only go after violent criminals , not religious differences." Bucky growled back, the clicking in his arm getting louder as it recalibrated.
    "We follow orders, you of all people, Bucky, should know that." Steve said through gritted teeth, his eyes focused on Bucky.
    "And as your supervising rank in the Order, I am telling you to stand down." Bucky's body continued to tense.
    "We don't kill innocent people." I reminded him. "We kill violent criminals."
    "I know to much, they have been keeping tabs on me, Kara." Wanda sighed from behind me, slowly I looked over my shoulder at her. "Peteiro told me this would happen, he was quick. He connected the dots, to bad he wasn't the one that saw his death coming."
     "I'm not letting him kill you." I stated flatly turning back to the man I loved. "Not over my cold corpse."
    "Kara, I need you to move." Steve demanded softly, his eyes flicking back to me, something pulled in them, something I couldn't quite figure out.
     "And I told you to stand down, Rogers." Bucky's voice boomed, Steve's eyes snapped over to him.
     "I'm not your only hit." Wanda breathed from behind me, goose bumps trailed down my back. The air in the room seemed to thicken in that moment, the implications of her words hung heavy and settled over me uneasily.
      "Steve, you can't do this." My voice came out almost begging.
      "Wanda Maximoff, you have been sentence to death by the state of Massachusetts and the US government for illegal practice of witchcraft which include the use of poisonous plants." Steve stated, his eyes focused on Bucky. "James Barnes, you have also been sentenced to death by the state of Massachusetts and the US government for the murder of the executioner Alexander Jones."
     "Dammit Steve, we both know that was a hit that came through via text! And I'm sure as hell not going to let you hurt either of these people." I yelled, fully pulling my hunting knife out, my body humming. The blade flipped effortlessly in my hand as I stepped in the way of Steve and his targets. I took a step forward toward Steve, pushing Bucky back who was shell shocked that our lover would even contemplate taking the hit. "I challenge you for your rank!"
     Guess I need to explain, when you challenge someone for their rank, you also take over each of the hits that are and will be assigned to them. That's obviously in the event of the challenger wins. So by doing this, if I somehow manage to win I take both of Wanda's and Bucky's name to my list. If I choose to ignore the hits, then my name appears on Bucky's list. Catch twenty two, Bucky gets my name all he has to do is say that the message was given to me and send that to those who we get orders from to shape up. And Wanda's name disappears for the time being well till the next time, which there won't be cause after this, she's coming home with me.
    "Kara, don't." Steve sighed, setting the gun on the end table near him. His eyes softening a bit, however his body remained unusually tense still.
    "Steven Rogers I challenge you for your rank and your title! South Boston docks, now!" I yelled, taking my knives from my body handing them to Bucky. This was not how I wanted my day to go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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