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     Late that night I woke, the heat pouring off of Bucky was engulfing me. The heaviness of his arm pressed down uncomfortably on my bruised ribs. I shoved the metal appendage off my body in one big heave. I sat up and looked around the room for my sweet love. Slowly I crawled out, giving the other one a quick glance before leaving our living space.
    Grabbing Steve's shirt from one of the chairs I pulled it over my naked body as I walked down the metal steps to the floor of the factory. Looking into the training room and spotted him, he was standing on one of the mock buildings looking out the window. Deftly I jumped up grabbing the railing and pulled myself up. Casually walking along the thin metal till I reached the fake rooftop.
    "Love?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist, placing my cheek to his bare back.
     "I hate it when he gets like that." He sighed, placing one of his hands on my arms. "I know I shouldn't step in but I have to protect you."
    "Steve, you can't protect me." I stated, sliding around his body so I was next to him. "That's the truth, we aren't in the home anymore. I have to be able to stand on my own."
    "Still, he doesn't need to do that to you, not when.. when you look like this." He said softly, I saw our reflections in the glass.
    For the first time I actually saw my face since my encounter with Zimo. One of my eyes was slightly swollen and the color of an eggplant, the eye it's self  was completely blood shot. My lips bruised and busted, I could see the bruises covering my arms extending up under the sleeves.
    Slowly I pulled my gaze from the smooth plane of the glass, Steve still looked out into the dark night. He eyes were hard, his own gash on his forehead scabbed over. I could still see faint outline of the scar that ran down through his eyebrow, a gift from Zimo.
     "He's not like you." I said softly, Steve finally looked over at me, I could still see the rage burning behind his eyes. "He's trying, he wants to be more like you. Bucky hates that part of him, he doesn't know how to be any different."
    "Kara, why do you defend him?" Steve asked, his body finally turning to face me fully.
    "Because, he didn't have anyone. We had each other, something no other executioner has. When things got tough, you had my back. And I had yours. Bucky has only had Bucky." I replied softly. "And because of that, he's who he is. And I wouldn't trade that."
    "Do you ever wish.." Steve started, pausing to biting his lip.
    "That you were more like him?" I asked, he closed his eyes and nodded. "Never. Steve,  I love you for the man you are, I've loved you since I was twelve. What we have is unique, by definition we shouldn't be together. You know as well as I do, executioners don't do relationships."
    "Guess I'm soft, huh." He sighed, pulling me against his body.
     "No, you're one of the strongest men I know. You're an executioner that has a heart, you allowed Bucky into ours lives. Simply because he wanted what we have, and you saw the same thing I did." I rested my cheek against his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart. "You share me, even though you know Bucky will hurt me. And you do it cause you see he is changing."
    "Kara, sometimes I hate this life." He admitted, I could hear the haunted sound in his words. "I hate feeling on edge every time we leave, never knowing if we'll see each other again."
    "This is our hand, and I'm glad we have it. Cause I wouldn't know you, who knows how we would of turned out if either of us were in that home alone." I sighed, pulling away to look up at him.
    His eyes scanned my face, a soft smile formed before he dipped his head, his lips brushed against mine. I snaked my arms up around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Passion soon filled those sweet tender kisses, the need for more building up. His arm around my waist lifting me from the floor, pressing me against the wall. My legs wrapped around him almost immediately.
    A moan escaped my lips as he trailed his lips down my neck, I felt the gentle rolled of his hips against my bare skin. The friction of the soft fabric of his pants sent heat straight to my core. My fingers tangled in his hair as he nipped at the bit of skin from my collar bone that was exposed.
    "Fuck, I love you." He breathed into my ear as he rolled hips harder into me this time. I whimpered, I wanted more, I wanted him.
     He reached down with his spare hand and pushed his pants down as far as he could. His member springing free of its confines, brushing against my lower lips. He pulled his head back, his eyes meet mine as he lowered my body just bit. Enough to allow him to slide into me, I held his eye contact as I felt every inch of him glide deep into my core.
     When he was like this it was always like the first time. He stilled himself when he bottom out, his lips seeking out mine again. He pulled hips back and then snapped them forward. His body pressing me into the wall, our closeness, this what he needed. He needed to be as close as possible, he pulled his hips back slowly only to drive them back into me.
    "My heart." He whispered breaking the kiss, leaning his forehead against mine. His nickname for me when it was only the two of us.
    Steve picked up his pace as his eyes locked on to mine. Driving himself in me hard, his pelvic bone rubbing against my sensitive nub adding to the pressure that was starting to build. I could hear a whimper escape my throat between pants.
    "Come on Kara. I've got you." He whispered, one more snap and I was done.
    The tense coil snapping hard, my body tingled as the orgasm washed over me. I close my eyes, crying out softly in the dark room. Steve wasn't far behind me, his hips snapped again, their pace becoming erratic. I heard him cuss under his breath as he came.
   His lips sought out mine as he slowly rocked himself into me, riding out our highs. Moments of just the two of us a lone are far and few in between, and I relish every second with him. Steve is my love, my home. And being with him like this reminds me of when we were younger, sharing the same room in the home. We were sixteen, and up until Bucky, the only man I had ever been with.

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