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     "Steve, Bucky's right and we both know it." I finally released the breath I was holding. I had to relieve the tension in the air, the two men were glaring each other down and if I didn't defuse the situation we'd have the New Year's Eve all over again. "I have 48 hours to flush him out and deal with him. Which means I've lost an edge, Zimo's smart, he'll know by now that someone has seen seen him Boston."
     I stood, taking my half eaten food to the trash can dumping it. I turned to face my boys, Bucky was leaned back his arms crossed his chest. Steve was leaned forward elbows on the wire table, worry etched in every corner of his face. My heart pulled for him, he had seen the mess Zimo had left me, he was the one that found me.
    "Look, I'll be careful, I know south Boston better then either of you. I can handle this." I tried to keep my voice even, I didn't want them to know I was scared shitless.
     I walked back to them, I gave Steve a kiss on the top of his head when he refused to look up at me. I could feel his rage pouring off of him, his entire body coiled up tightly under the gentle placement of my hand. He would have to deal with his anger, this wasn't an option either of us had. This was how our life was like it or not.
    I gave Bucky a quick kiss before I turned back to my bike. I threw my leg over the seat, strapping my helmet on, I looked over at the loves of my life. Bucky smiled at me, those deep blues full of warmth that was only reserved for me when he knew I need just a bit more confidence. Steve didn't look at me, I bit the bottom of my lip, his refusal to acknowledge me leaving hurt.
    I started up the bike and pulled out into traffic, weaving my way back to south Boston.
       "Murphy, Connor, how are my favorite Irish twins?" I beamed as I walked into the illegal dwelling. The few contacts I had in the south, ones that I trusted enough not to get me killed.
     "We're the only Irish twins ya know." Connor's lilted voice spoke out, smoke between is lips.
      "Aye, lassie, ya know tat to be true." Murphy chimed in, standing from the table to give me a hug.
      "Alright then how are my two favorite southies." I laughed, I've known these two for years, longer then I ever admitted.
   Though they weren't executioners they operated similarly, and since they only went after bad people the government seemed to ignore them. Bucky though had told me to keep a close eye on them, cause there was always the chance some how they would fuck up and be on our list.
     "Doin' good, what brings ya ta us though?" Connor asked raising an eyebrow. His brother seating himself to his right.
    "Can't stop by and say hi?" I questioned sitting directly a cross from him.
     "The only times ya stop just ta talk ya knock first." Connor stated, leaning back.
      "He's gotta a point, ya just walk in when's its business." Murphy added, mirroring his twin.
     "Boys you know me so well." I laughed light heartily, I leaned forward crossing my arms on the table before me. "Looking for a guy named Zimo. Dark hair, somewhere in his thirties, has an accent. Mean as fuck."
     "Lassie, just 'bout everyone has an accent to us, including your pretty face." Murphy flirted, giving me a wink.
    "Murph's speakin' the truth, and depends on what ya mean as mean as fuck. Cause that could describe ya too." Connor added.
    I narrowed my eyes, they were playing hard ball with me. Nothing happened in south Boston without these two knowing, if a flea farted these two would know. I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair.
    "Alright, what's your play?"
     "Come on Lassie, humor us for a minute." Connor stated, I rolled my eyes.
      "For the hundredth time boys it's not happening. Your both attractive men, but I'm already with someone and you really don't want on their bad side." I replied, my eyes flickered from one brother to the next. "And if you really want to play that game I could give ya both a warning neither of you would like. Remember you are operating outside the law, and your names could easily appear on my list at any given time."
      My voice had lowered to just above growl, I don't like being toyed with. And I really didn't like blackmail that included me sleeping with people to get information. What I really didn't like was them holding back vital information on me. Information that could get someone killed.
    "Come on now, we're just playin' Kara." Murphy broke first.
"Look, now's not the time, this is bad and the man I'm looking for is hella dangerous. At 13 he put me in the infirmary for two days. Then we kept finding cats and dogs slaughtered sometimes still alive crawling with their instines on the outside. At 15 he was linked to a six year old boy who had to be indentified by dna. This guy you don't want running around, he's killed someone in the order. And he's on my death list." I told them relaying the gravity of the situation.
I watched as both brothers looked to each other. They spoke in hushed tones, flitting between Gaelic and French. I let out heavy sigh in frustration, this shouldn't be so hard for me to get the info from them. Normally the brothers would of told me what they knew, even if they did try to flirt their way into my pants. Something was different this time though.
"Kara, you know south Boston as well as any southie who lives here. An we get your urgency in ta matter, we've heard some rumblings about a guy that might be him." Conner stated leaning forward his words turning serious.
"Aye, there's been a guy who's had a couple run ins with mufuiso's 'round here. He ain't done nothin' to anyone else though." Murphy picked up where his brother had left off.
"We hadn't heard a name, but if it's your guy he's been down at the docks." Conner added.
"If he is that dangerous, do ya really need to be alone?" Murphy commented.
As usual the twins spoke in a uniform sentence, always continuing where the other had left off. There was a hint of worry in their eyes, all humor had evaporated in their conversation with each other. I appreciated their concern, and their information.
"I do, it's part of my code. Thank you though." I said I rose from the table, walking to the door.
"If you need us.." Connors voice lifted up from behind me
"Whether be a distraction or back up, ya have our number." Murphy added, I looked over at them and gave them the best smile I could muster.
"You boys are saints, but I'll be fine." I told them as I saw myself out.

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