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"Fuck, what's taking her so long?" Steve hissed as he paced the livings quarters of the abandoned factory. Bucky sat on a stool, leaning back up against the island.
"Zimo won't make it easy for her, you know that better then I do." He stated, watching as Steve looked out the window into the night for the hundredth time. "You're going to wear a whole in the floor."
"Seriously, you're going to joke around when she's out there, god knows where, having to deal with that bastard?" Steve spun to face Bucky, his face was tight with worry as his eyes bore into the other man.
"What am I supposed to do, Steve? Sit here and pace, she's trained for dealing with difficult people and intense situations. I have complete faith in Kara's abilities, do I worry about her, Hell yes." Bucky stood suddenly knocking the stool over, his eyes glaring back at the other man. "Here's the difference though, when she needed reassurance from us, you caved. She should of heard you tell her she's got this, you should given her something instead ignoring her when she left."
"I do have faith in her capabilities as an executioner, it's the fact she's going up against Zimo. You didn't see the mess he left her in, I wasn't there to protect her then." Steve stated through clenched teeth walking up to the other man. "If she gets hurt."
"If she gets hurt it's cause you put the seed of doubt in her head. She knows how to defend herself, quite well might I add. She's not the same girl she was in the home, just like you're not the same man. Both of you have trained diligently since you both graduated. You two are at the top, it's the reasons both of your lists get so long." Bucky seethed, stepping into Steve, going nose to nose with him. Challenging the other man to back down. "I saw it in both of you, I saw your potential long before I humored being with the both you. That's why I brought you into the order. I knew with extra training by the right person that you would excel."
"Bucky." Steve growled, his body tensing at the closeness of Bucky, his posture ready to fight if need be.
"Back down!" Bucky growled, glaring at the other man, challenging him.
The sudden sound of a motor pulling into the empty lot below caught both of their attention. The tension in the air vanishing quickly, it was followed by the sound of a second motor. Both men looked at each other before rushing to the window, something was off. Kara would never risk anybody find out their home if something wasn't wrong.
Steve and Bucky waited a beat by the window, they saw someone get off Kara's bike. He was too tall to be Kara, he rushed to the passenger side of the car. When he opened the door and gently pull the woman out both men sprung into action. They sprinted out of the shared room to make their way down to the ground floor.
I held my side gently as Connor helped me out of their car, hoping like hell Steve didn't shoot first.
"So this is where ya live, lass?" Murphy asked as he got out of the drivers side.
"Yes, though if you want to continue breathing don't ever come here." I said, gritting my teeth in pain. "Just remember let me do the talking, if you value your throats intact that is."
"Aye lassie." Conner responded as I heard the door to the factory slam open.
The sound of feet running to us caused me look up. Both of my boys were running toward us, Steve pulling his glock from his hip already. They slowed as the neared, their faces lit by the moonlight. Eyes narrowed, looking at every cut every bruise, they flicked from Connor to Murphy.
"Steve, lower your weapon." I stated, leaning against Connor for support. "They only came to help me."
"Aye." Murphy said, Bucky took a heavy step towards him, shutting him up quickly.
"You're the Irish boys from south Boston, the ones who take out the mafia down there." Bucky stated, his hard cold blue eyes staring down Connor. It wasn't a question, it was statement. Connor nodded as Steve holstered his weapon, walking over to take me from Connor.
Steve lifted me, swinging his arm under my legs. I molded my body into him, every exhausted part of my body hurt. I looked up into his eyes, all I saw was pain on his face, guilt was in his eyes as he looked away my gaze.
"The two of you need directions on how to get out?" Bucky asked as Steve turned and started to walk back to the building.
"No, sir." Connor replied as I watched the exchange over Steve's shoulder.
Bucky's body was rigid, his fist clenched at his sides. He nodded at the twins, I saw Connor and Murphy look at each other before turning and heading back to the car.
"Forget how you got here, tell anyone, and your name won't have to appear on the deathlist." Bucky commented before turning his back to them.
When it came to our home, no one was invited. So anybody who stumbled on it, they never left alive, this was his thank you for bringing me back. I would have to remember to explain that to the twins when I was up to going back to south Boston. At the moment though I was just glad to be home.
Steve carried me in the building and up the two flights of stairs to our living area. He walked through the living room to where our bathroom was. Not only was the entire area one giant shower but nestled into the corner was a large tub. One Bucky had retrofitted into hot tub of sorts.
Bucky rushed ahead of the two of us, turning the water on full blast, getting the temperature just right. Steve gently sat me on the edge of the recessed tub, he reached down and lifted my blood soaked shirt from my body. I could hear Bucky strip behind me, and the water move as he stepped down into it.
He pressed his chest into my back, pulling me against him so I could help Steve take my pants off. They clung to my body, smearing crimson down my legs as they came off. Bucky turned my body, cupping my painful form into him. He pulled me with him into the hot water, Steve stripped as well before joining us.
At its deepest the tub was four feet deep, and it was six foot by six foot. It had sensors and all sorts of other stuff to keep the water heated and circulating. We didn't use it often but when we did, it was for moments like this. I was hurt, and what I wanted was just to be where I was, curled into them.
We sat in one of the corners, I was curled in between them. My head resting against them both, staring out into space, Bucky nuzzled my neck and kiss my temple.
"Kara, I'm sorry." Steve finally broke the silence, my eyes drifted over to him.
"For what?" I whispered, not even having enough energy to speak louder.
"For not trusting you to get the job done, worrying to much, not giving you a damn kiss goodbye." He said softly, kissing my cheek.
"You were worried, you knew what he did. I understood why you were angry. But don't ever shut me down like that again, that hurt worse then all of this." I said, locking eyes with him. I saw the flicker of pain cross his eyes and it hurt me to state it.
Never lie, not to each other. It was our core rule, one we never broke. If we were mad at each other then we stated it, even if it ended in a full scale fight. Which it had before, and no doubt will happen again. If we ever crossed a line with each other, we spoke up.
Was our relationship fucked up compared to most normal people, sure. But it was our relationship, and it worked for us, then again we weren't normal people.

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