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The three of us laid tangled in our bed, Bucky sharpening one of my knives. Steve's head rested on my chest and my head was laying in Bucky's lap. All three of our phones went off at the same time, just a single buzz. Our lists were out. None of us bothered to move, once we were home for the night we were done, that is unless.
Bucky's phone buzzed a second time, all three of us turned our heads to it. The first buzz was the death list, the one we received for just being who we were. The second message was a hit, one of our owned needed to be taken care of. Steve raised off the bed and swiped the phone off the table.
"Jonesy." He read the name, holding up the phone at us, wiggling it lightly.
"Guess he didn't get my message." I stated dryly.
"Were you clear enough?" Bucky asked, looking at me.
"I thought the broken orbital socket, busted knee cap, and slicing the letter R into his chest was pretty clear." I explained looking up at him.
"Not to mention me blowing half of foot off." Steve added, bringing the phone to Bucky.
"Awe, my murder kitten and murder pup getting defensive." Bucky jested, tapping my shoulder lightly, a silent request for me to move. I slowly sat up knowing the three of us would be going out one last time. "You two stay, I'll take care of Jonesy."
    "Buck?" I sighed, pulling on my boots. "You know we're not going to do that."
    "Kara has a point, when have we ever just let you take the hit alone after we're home?" Steve added, shrugging on his jacket.
     "I know, but still, you don't have to." Bucky replied, handing me my knife. "And actually I would prefer to coming home to seeing the two of your curled up asleep."
     "You really want us to stay home?" Steve asked him, crossing his arms.
      "Steve, that's not even part of the equation." I chided, sheathing my knife.
     "Yeah, the both of you have had long lists this week, and you deserve a break. Jonesy won't take me that long." Bucky told him, I turned my head to look at him slack jawed.
    "No." I stated standing up, walking over to Bucky.
    "Yes, you're staying, Kara, and so is Steve." He told me, his stormy eyes locking onto mine. I shook my head at him.
     "That's not an option." I replied, I could see the muscles tense in his face, one thing Bucky didn't like was someone challenging his authority. Something I did and quite frequently at that.
    "Kara, this isn't up for discussion." His words turning cold as he took a step up to me, his tense body towering over me.
     "Like hell it isn't." I growled back, Steve grabbed my shoulder pulling me back away from him.
    "Kara, he says we stay, we stay. That's part of the agreement." Steve told me pushing me away from Bucky.
     "Stupid males." I breathed, storming away from both of them.
"Make sure she doesn't sneak out this time." Bucky's cold words filled the air as I heard him turn and stalk off.
"Kara," Steve's voice was soft as he walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my body. "Why do you always feel the need to argue with him?"
"Cause he's an idiot." I replied, looking out the open window, watching as our lover got in the car below. He peeled out into the night, away from us.
"And how is he idiot?" Steve murmured in my ear.
"He's reckless, and he's going to get hurt." I admitted, my biggest fear. Something happening to either one of them, I turned in Steve's arms, looking up at him. "I don't know what I'd do if either of you got hurt."
"Kara, you think we don't worry about the same?" He asked kissing my forehead. "Come on, its bedtime."
I allowed Steve to lead me the large bed, curling myself up around him. I felt odd, I missing the warmth on my back that Bucky provided. I just laid there arms wrapped around the only person I trusted with my emotions. I loved Bucky, I loved him with every fiber of my being. However he was a true executioner and the sign of fear was a sign of weakness.
Hours later, I heard Steve's breathing even out, his body lax in my arms. I kissed his bare shoulder before crawling out of the bed. I walked over to our makeshift kitchen, Bucky had built himself long before we came around. I poured myself a glass of water, look at Steve's sleeping form in the moonlight. I took a sip before setting the glass down.
Apprehension had formed in the pit of my stomach, it seemed like Bucky had been gone for too long. I let out a deep breath, placing my palms on the counter top, trying to calm my thoughts. Trying to think of anything and everything except the what if's that dangerously dangled in my mind.
Suddenly a hand clasped over my mouth, catching me by surprise. I jumped as a strong arm snaked around my waist, lifting me off the floor. I kicked back, and started to struggle, my arms pinned to my side.
"Shhh, kitten. Don't wake our golden retriever." Bucky's cold voice whispered in my left ear, my heart skipped a beat and then pounded in my chest as he pulled me out of the room. The smell of copper and sweat clung to his body, filling my senses.
He walked me down the expansive building, kicking open the door to our training room. He tossed me in as he slammed the door behind him. I landed in a heap on the floor, my bare hip bouncing on the cool metal floor, Bucky's shirt that I wore had ridden up.
Bucky removed his jacket, tossing it to the side, he reached back and pulled his black shirt off. He dropped it the floor, he flexed as he rolled his neck, his eyes never leaving me. His tactical pants hung low on his hips, his black tank pulled tight against his chest. The whir from the plates on his arms were the only noise in the room as I lifted myself to my feet.
"Think you can back talk me?" He asked as he took a powerful step towards me. "What I say goes, thought I made that clear."
"James.." He cut me off.
"Don't give me that James crap." His eyes narrowed at me, his face full of anger. He took another step towards me, his fist clenching as he did. Instinctively I took a step back, he caught that and a wicked smile formed on his face. "Think you should try to get away, kitten, cause when I catch you, I'm going to punish you."

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