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When I woke the next morning every part of me hurt, I don't think there was a part of my body that wasn't wrapped in bandages. I looked to my left and my right, both of my men were already gone for the day. I groaned as I rolled over and grasped my phone from the night stand.
Bucky group message: commander, Kara was severely insured yesterday. She'll be out for the next couple of days.
Deathlist group message: 0- recoup report in two days.
Bucky group message: thank you, sir.
Steve: morning sweetheart, take it easy today, love you.
Bucky: stay out of trouble. Xo
I rolled my eyes, as annoying as it was that Bucky had sent in saying I was out, I'm glad he did. The only time an executioner was allot down time was in case they were badly injured on the job. Being seen in the state I was in made me an easy target for those who break the law. Usually when one of us were beaten to this point we had to text ourself to tell our commander that we would be unable to complete our job. However, the commander knew that the three of us were together and were a tight knit group.
I slowly sat up, every muscle protested my decision to move, I had to get up though. I was burning day light. Something Zimo said stuck me, about Jonesy, we had become so accustomed to following orders that we never did check to see if those condemned actually committed the crimes they were charged with.
I walked over to the dresser and fished out a clean pair of jeans and pulled them over my scar and now bruise covered legs. I looked down at deep eggplant colored bruise that encased the left side of my torso. Slowly I pulled one my dark red tank tops on. I walked into the kitchen snagging my leather forearm bracers on the way in.
I poured myself some water and grabbed a bottle of pain meds from our stock pile in the cupboard. I downed two, and finished getting dressed. I put the knife I hide in my boot, not because I needed it but well, more out of habit and it made me feel better.
Slowly descending the stairs and making my way out the floor of the factory, I winced opening the door to the outside. All right Kara, let's see what you dig up.
I found myself in the Boston PD, I glanced around at the intake from petty criminals, which was full. There was a good possibility that some day in our future any one of these men and women could end up on the list. I stepped up to the counter and waited for someone to recognize that I was there. Some time had passed, and people, tapping the counter top my annoyance at waiting was beginning to show.
"Excuse me!" I called out as a cop started to pass me.
"I'm sorry miss, give me a minute." He stated not bothering to look up.
"No, now!" I growled at him, his eyes shot up, glaring at me till he noticed my black and blue busted up face.
"Did you need to file a report?" He gulped, walking up to the counter.
"No, I need a file on a deceased executioner, Alexander Jones." I replied, he gave me a once over, with raised an eyebrow before scurrying off.
I rolled my eyes and turning to lean against the counter, I observed the men in the intake. Most looked like drug addicts, either completely zoned out or twitching. Drugs had become rampant in the last couple of decades, those who used now out numbered those who didn't. The U.S. government made any and all drugs legal decades back, that way the jails could be used for those who committed violent crimes.
However, society started to fall shortly afterward. Once drugs were legal, crime spiked and so did violent crimes, they tried to close the dam they opened within the decade but unfortunately once it was open there was no way to stop it. So instead they decided to the do reverse, throw druggies and petty criminals in jail. Then the first set of executioners were put into play, taking out violent criminals. That was eighty years ago, as you can tell it's going to be a while before we have everything under control.
The drug cartel boomed in ten years, they had easy access to the tools they needed, and in some states most of the drugs are still legal. And I'm not talk about pot or shrooms.
"Miss, I understand you want to see the file on Alexander Jones." A voice stated from behind me, I turned to face the owner of the voice. His skin was dark, and his chocolate eyes narrowed in suspicion at me, in his hands was the file I wanted.
"Yes, I do. Code 127-45 states once an executioner has passed all files are open to the public." I explained, he chewed lightly on his bottom lip and hooked his head for me follow him.
I walked around the counter, following him to a back room. The room seemed to have been made of steal, the table bolted to the floor. A one way mirror was on one side and a camera was set of in the top corner. An interrogation room, it immediately set me on edge, I glared over at the man.
"I'm Captain Wilson, I run this precinct. You have to excuse the fact I brought you back to this room it's the only one I have available." He stated, still holding the file. "I am curious as to why you want to see the file though. There aren't to many people that come in requesting a deceased executioner file and especially not a woman in a state such as yourself."
"Tying up loose ends, sir." I replied, watching as he walked around the other side of the table.
"Sir? Very formal of you, only few people outside the precinct call me sir. You wouldn't happen to be the only female executioner I've heard so much about, would you?" He asked, eye me quizzically, well fuck there goes being under cover.
I reached over and unclasped the metal buckle holding the leather in place, pulling it free of my arm. His eyes slowly left mine to look at the tattoo that resided there. The corners of his mouth pulled back and his eyes raised up to meet mine. He tossed the file of the table.
"So you are, I've heard a lot about you as I said." He restated as I sat in the chair opening the file.
Alexander Jones, born April 13, 2050, joined the executioners 2068. Kill list 123, the names of every person listed beneath it. The max he took out in on one list was five, not very high on the pecking. The higher number of people to take out on a list told your their ranking, he wasn't a very good executioner. My max number was twenty five, Steve's was thirty and Bucky's highest had been forty five.
"What exactly are you searching for?" Wilson asked, what didn't make any sense were his charges, they were missing.
"He should have been charged with sexual assault in the second, criminal mischief, and murder in the first." My eyes snapped up to him, you see those are the charges that would of been against him since he attack someone not on his list. As I said, you don't hurt regular folk unless you want a visit from us.
"Charges didn't hold, there wasn't enough evidence. And the girl recanted a week after the initial report was filed." He replied, looking down at me. A week, we sent him the message two days after the report was filed. She changed her story after Steve and I paid a visit.
"So he was never formally booked?" I asked, standing from the table.
"Nope, tell me, why exactly you wanted the file. Cause usually nobody comes asking for them." He asked as I walked to the door.
"Tying up loose ends as I said, tell no one I came here." I warned him clasping the bracer on as I walked out.

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