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     Bucky turned to face me, sweat trickled down the smooth plane of his sternum. He was as gorgeous as he was deadly, he smirked over to me. If I could grab the bottle, it was mine. First I had to get through him, you would think having the shit beat out of me would afford me some leanace. And it would of, had I not left our home.
    He punch out at the air before him, my eyes roamed across the room as he stepped in front of the table. I was going to hurt even worse by the time I got that bottle, but dear lord I needed it.
    I looked across the ceiling at the pipes over head, I looked at all of the work out equipment. I allowed my plan form in my head if I could just avoid his fist and get the bottle that would be prefect.
    Alright, let's get this done and over with. I darted to the left putting the large metal contraption between us. He darted the same way, I jumped up grabbing the metal pipe over head pulling myself up on the machine. I heard Bucky chuckle below me as he moved parts of it beneath me, bringing the metal arms of the machine up into me.
    The machine was for working out your shoulders, the arms of it were weighted and you thrusted them out and up away from your body. When we found it and brought it in we had just enough clearance to use it, however, there wasn't enough room for me above it with the arms stretched up.
    I swung to the side and dropped down from the pipe, rolling as my feet touched the ground. I moved quick jumping to catch the next pipe hoisting myself up as Bucky rushed to grab at me. I swung my legs up just as he neared me, almost reverse planking. I held my body level with the ceiling, Bucky paced beneath me, chuckling as I held myself up just by hands.
"You can't hang like forever, kitten." He stated beneath me, I looked around trying to figure out my next move.
I knew that I could hold my body level by holding my stomach muscles tight, it was my grip I was more worried about. My shoulders were starting to burn as I held my entire body weight upside down. Had I been pushing my body weight up, this wouldn't be a problem. I reached over to next pipe.
"Oh, your going to try rocking climbing upside down?" He snickered, watching me. "That's a new one."
Really, your commentary is not helping sweetheart. I grasped the pipe and shifted over, I looked down the front of my body and saw a beam close enough to my legs to give me a break. I managed to hook my toes onto it, and took a deep breath.
"Starting to tire out?" He asked, I looked down at him.
"Fuck you." I quipped back, glaring down at him.
"I would, but you're hanging off the ceiling like a damn spider." He smirked up at me, his arms crossed over his chest.
The door to the room click and it swung open, Steve came in. Blood dripped from his brow as he looked over at Bucky, he set his gun down on a table near the door. Bucky point up at the ceiling at me, I watched as Steve's gaze followed the line up to me.
"Kara, why are you up there?" He asked, slowly lowering his eyes back down to Bucky.
"She left, no note, no reason why. Looking like she belongs in a morgue, and she leaves the house." Bucky stated shaking his head as Steve looked back up at me.
"I want the pain meds, so he's punishing me." I replied, reaching out again for the next pipe and pulled myself along the ceiling.
I watched as Bucky took a step following under me, he shrugged at Steve and looked back up at me.
"I'll give it to her, I didn't see her pulling this stunt." Bucky chuckled, I grasped the pipe and pulled myself closer to the bottle. The muscles in my abdomen started to burn as I continued my slow pace.
"How long has she been like that?" Steve asked, standing by the door. Much like the time in the training room he wouldn't help.
"Going on about fives minutes."
"Damn Kara." Steve stated, I took a deep ragged breath pulling myself closer to my target. "So, once she gets over to the bottle are you going to let her have it or does she actually have to get it in her hands?"
"She has to get it in her hot little hands." Bucky smirked over to him, taking two large steps so he was beneath me again. "That means at some point she is going to have to drop down from the pipes. Then we'll see see who's faster."
"And if she slips and falls?" Steve asked casually leaning against the door way.
"Then at least I'm under her to catch her, don't worry pup. I'm not going to let her get hurt." He replied taking another step so he was under me again.
"Well aren't you sweet." I grimaced, only a couple more pipes to go.
"Sweet as vinegar." He jested, looking up at me. "Though the view of your ass is spectacular from down here."
"I'll agree with him on that." Steve added.
"Neither of you are helping, so if you'd kindly shut the fuck up." I snarked back, finally making it above the bottle of pills.
One of two options, drop down and try to grab it with our governments number one hitman three feet away from it or hook my legs around the pipe and swing down letting go at the right moment head first into the table. Give myself a concussion, but I might get the bottle that way.
"Tick tock, kitten. How you plan on getting down?" Bucky asked, stupid jerk was taking massive joy out of this.
Fine, let's see how cat like I can be. I let go and twisted my upper body at the same time, arms stretching out as I free fell from the ceiling. That at the same time Bucky sprang from his spot, let's see which will make it to the bottle first. Gravity or Bucky. I hit the table with a crash, the wood splintering beneath my weight.
Bucky was on me seconds later. He rolled me to my back, and I held the little white bottle up in his face. I grinned up at him, pain hitting every corner of my body like train wreck. I took a deep breath, locking eyes with the man above me.
"Looks like she won this round, jerk. Come on, we should get dinner ready." Steve stated still at the door way.
"My little murder kitten." Bucky whispered with a smirk, planting a kiss on my lips before helping me to my feet.
"Glad I could surprise you but remind me not to do that when I've had the shit beaten out of me recently." I grimace as we left the room, following the same path Steve had.

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