Wings - Prologue

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WINGS… Need to Fly




“Fuck off” I growled and slammed the door at his face.

Too pissed off to react to the loud banging on my door and the frequent threats to break it down if I didn’t open it, I ran fingers through my hairs frustrating.

‘Asshole! How dare he?’ after ripping out a few strands with the constant bullying on my poor hairs, I quit pulling on them.

“Amelia Tulip West, I’m saying it for the last time, open the damn fucking door or you’ll regret it” here come more threat from other side of the door. Oh and the audacity of this jerk calling me by my full name.

To say I’m pissed would be an understatement. Now!

I glare at the door for a good measure of 30 seconds annoyed with the constant banging.  As if my intense glare would magically stop the noise.

Clearly somebody doesn’t get it through their thick skull when you shut the door on their face before yelling ‘Fuck off’ as loud as I could.

“Ugh…….” groaning dramatically on the over-dramatic situation, I dropped my hands to my sides, hitting my thighs with a ‘thump’.

I started pacing the room while rubbing my temples suddenly feeling overwhelmed by all of this. I shouldn’t be here in the first place. It’s doesn’t feel right in many ways.

I’ve not came here for this… to be in this complicated messed up situation.

I’m not Bella fucking Swan who would be too happy to have a supernatural being as a lover. Only in my case, he’s my mate! As he claims to be!

“Shit” cursing again loudly. I’m paying for my rash decisions I made in past but I clearly did not and I’m repeating Mr God did not deserved this, ever.

I’m so bitter right now so fucking angry I want to smack him hard. Bastard! Actually I’m angry to everything and everyone. For instance I wanted to say a few colourful words of my choice to Karma instead of just settling to ‘Karma being a bitch’. Trust me when Karma kicks, he kicks you from every direction and the hit hurts, worse than a bitch.

The constant banging stopped only for few seconds after which there was a loud thump on the door. The force had the door shaking off its hinges. If it wasn’t made for protection against werewolf strength, it’d be down by now.

“Just fuck off Zayn! I hate you Zayn fucking Malik. You tricked me” I let the anger seeping through my veins to reach my tongue although my voice broke in the end.

I’m trapped here with this beast. The door may be strong but it won’t be a restriction for long. I know Zayn well by now. He’s crazy nutcase.

(Another thump with more force than previous one)


Panicked, I rushed to the bathroom, latching it from inside with shaky fingers. The more the distance between us, the better I’d feel.

Oh dear god! Leaning my back against the door, I slid down not able to stand on my jelly legs.

Tears swelled my eyes, “I don’t want to be here” I whispered weakly.

Not able to bear the tight heavy lump in my throat anymore, I burst out crying.

Cringing miserably when I heard the bedroom door breaking and landing on the floor with a loud thump after which footsteps filled the bedroom space.


Amelia West, a strikingly beautiful brunette, always the centre of attraction of everyone. But it isn’t her dimples that stole everybody’s heart when she smiles or the innocence that reflects from her face that can melt your heart; it’s way the way her eyes twinkles whenever she does what she likes, the way she perfectly hides nervousness with a charming smile, the way she can be protective to some while mean to others… and the extremes she crosses to achieve what she wants.

She is a little rebellious and over-ambitious girl and she never denies it! It’s her ambition only that made the ‘daddy’s little girl’ leave her ‘secured castle’ you call home only to a Strong confident young woman that she always envies to be.

All the plans of exploring the world at her own, discovering herself, engaging in adventurous task, etc., etc. came to a halt when she stumble across two over protective alphas claiming her.

What’ll happen to Amelia?

Will daddy’s little princess find wings to fly


She’d be a bird with broken wings trapped in a golden cage?

Discover at your own!

Hope you all will like it!






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