Chapter 6 - A stranger won't know the detailed geography of your physique

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Chapter 6 – A stranger won’t know the detailed geography of your physique

“Let’s be friends” Harry said extending his hand towards me. I looked at it in disbelief. After what I said I expected him to either break my nose or run away from me with a promise of never seeing my face again. But you can’t blame me for being rude to him now, can you?

He was the one who’s laughing his ass off when I fall face planted. I stared at his hand like it is plague then studied his facial expressions hard to detect any trace of humour and shifted my gaze back to his hand. I repeated it for a couple of times and intended to do it more but Harry has a short lived patience. So he grabbed my hand and shook it enthusiastically like I’ve agreed the deal and we are friends.

“FRIENDS. WE’RE FRIENDS” He yelled cheerily still shaking my poor hand with his both while grinning toothily.

“No we’re not.” I pried my hands from his tight hold giving him an ‘are you nuts’ look. Seriously something is wrong with this guy. Well everything is wrong with guys but this specific curly haired handsome but nutcase guy is getting on my nerves.

“Why” he said grinning playfully and poking my stomach with his index finger.

“WHAT THE HELL MAN!” I shouted in his face slapping away his hand.

See I told you something is wrong with him. An hour ago he was laughing maniacally while he was acting calm and composed few minutes ago in contrary to his behaviour in the dorm and now look at him, he’s back to the nutcase form. I wonder if he’s a split personality case.

Looking at him angrily, I clenched my fist but his grin soon morphed into a hysterical laugh.

Definitely a Nut case.

Harry kept laughing and I clenched my fists more. My whole body shook with anger. As much as I wanted to punch him, kick him; even think about burning him alive I couldn’t do it. One thing only one thing is restraining me from distorting this maniac monkey and that is my Father’s warning.

One mistake from me and I’ll be back in Honey-bell.

 Scrunching my nose in disgust at his unpredictable mood swings, I pulled my upper lip in a snarl and I turned on my heels towards the University. Why waste time on this maniac while I can do much more productive things in the University. Why I gotta stuck with this Idiot, less brain celled ape?


Two hours… just two freakingly fucking two hours since I met him and already I’m doing all in my self-control to not to behead him.

Bloody nutcase.

I’d only walked a foot or two when he again grabbed my wrist from behind, making me come to a halt.

“What is your problem?” I shouted at his face yanking my hand away and pushing on his chest forcefully in annoyance but he didn’t even bulge. I looked him up and down in disbelief. I just pushed him forcefully and the dude didn’t bulge! For an athletic body type, he sure is strong. I looked at his chest in confusion and irritation. Either he’s very strong or I’m too weak. In any way, it’s against my good. I looked at his face with a frown and stopped breathing as soon as I met his eyes. A lump formed in my throat due to the intensity his eyes held. I don’t know what is in his eyes, I’m not good at reading people but whatever it is there made me nervous all of a sudden.

His face blank, devoid of any human emotions but his eyes were speaking for his silence. Though their language is foreign to me and I tried hard to understand, to figure out what happened with him all of a sudden and in between all of this I don’t remember when and how, but I stopped breathing. I could hear the loud thumping of my heart in the silence that suddenly draped itself around us like this heart of mine is singing beside my ears.

I wanted to gulp the tightness of my throat but feared it would show my nervousness to Harry. After some long minutes of silent torture he speaked.

“Breathe” Harry said, his voice velvety and smooth now just like music.

“Huh?” I uttered furrowing my brows, not comprehending what he meant. Oh God, his voice is so deep and soft.

He stared at me for again for a while, a small lazy smile spreading on his lips which only deepened my frown. He closed the small gap between us in a single long stride. I looked at him in horror, my eyes growing bigger to twice their size but my feet remain rooted to their place.

He bent down to an eye-level with me, that lazy smile still on his face.

“I said BREATHE” he said slowly. Blinking several times, the light bulb of inside my mind clicked.

Backing away from him quickly I started breathing heavily placing my hand on my frenzy beating heart.


‘What the hell just happened?’ I asked myself after turning away from him, facing the University large metal gate, my breathing still heavy due to the oxygen shortage to lungs.

“You want to be my enemy?” he asked from behind.

“What do you mean?” I asked titling my head a bit towards him.

“You don’t want us to be friends. So that means you want us to be enemies? Or frenemies?” He asked laughing in between.

“I don’t want to be anything to you Mr Jackass” I said outraged at his incredulous logic, turning towards him fully.

“I give you two choices Ms Arrogant. Either become my friend or be an enemy.” He said calmly folding his hands in front of his chest.

“And I choose you to be stranger.” I said with a voice of finality, holding his cold gaze to let him I have had enough of his bullshits.

After a minute or two of the heated glare match, I turned away from him walking towards the main gate.

“A stranger won’t know the detailed geography of your physique, now would he?” Harry said from behind.

This is it.

Enough to make my blood boil.

What will Amelia do now? ;)

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