Back at the tower

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When they got to the tower she was still asleep in the back seat. Cyborg lifted her up and carried her up to the medical wing of the tower. He laid her in the bed and pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. Beastboy sat in the seat right next to the hospital bed. He watched Cyborgs every move.
"Why didn't she use her powers?" Beastboy asked.
"I don't know B. I don't think she can. Raven is a strong girl. I know she could have protected herself if she used her powers."
Cyborg left the room and came back with a wet wash cloth. He folded it and laid it on her head. Beastboy took her hair and brushed it out of her face and then laid back in the chair. All of the sudden Robin and Starfire bursts in the room.
" What happened?! Why are you in—" He cut himself off when he looked at her. In the bed all beaten up.
"Friend Raven?" Starfire said with tears in her eyes." I thought she was—"
"Dead I know, I found her in the storage building."
Because of all the noise, she opened her heavy eye lids. Starfire grabbed her hand.
"Hi friend Raven. I have missed you deeply."
Raven squeezed her hand and looked at her with a half grin. Starfire closed her eyes and started crying. Robin put his arm around her shoulder.
"We are so glad to have you back." He said. She could see the tears dripping off his mask. He took Starfire's hand and led her out of the room to get her to calm down. Raven lifted her head to turn to the two boys.
"Hey Rae, you are very dehydrated. Can I get you to drink some water for me?" Cyborg asked her. She nodded and Beastboy helped her sit up. He handed her a cup of water and drank it slowly. As soon as she was done he took the cup and sat it on the table. Beastboy looked at her and saw her on the edge of tears.
"Rae what's wrong?" He asked softly.
"My... My throat." She said with her eyes tightly closed.
" Is it sore?" She nodded. " Cy, can you get her some ibuprofen?"
Cyborg nodded and he got into the medical cabinet. He handed her the two pills and she took them. She laid back down in the bed and sighed deeply.
" Hey B, you got watch for tonight?"
" Yeah dude." The green boy gave him the thumbs up. Cyborg grinned and left the room for the night. When the door closed it was silent for a few moments but then Raven spoke.
" I really missed this place."
" I bet. It's been a whole year... I missed you so much."
" I missed you too." She said softly. He was so happy she was finally home. After a few moments she turned over to look at him.
" I'm sorry I was scared when you found me. I didn't mean to freak out, I was... I don't know."
" Its all good. You didn't do anything you need to apologize for."
She smiled a gentle smile at him and he returned the favor. She lifted up her arms and looked at the various cuts all up and down them. As much as she wanted to deny it, she was still scared. Scared that they would be back for more than what they took from her. He looked over and saw she was in deep thought.
" You okay?"
" I guess."
" Do you want anything to eat? I will make you anything you want. You've gotta be hungry."
" No thanks, I don't feel that well. Thanks though."
He nodded and sat back. He wanted to ask her what happened to her but he didn't know if it was to soon. He knew that keeping it all bottled up only made things worse. He swallowed the lump in his throat.
" Hey Rae, I just wanted to ask. Do you wanna talk? About everything. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just know it helps." He saw her muscles tense up.
" I don't even know where to begin."
" Take your time, remember I'm on watch tonight so I'm gonna be here awhile." He looked at her with a smile.
" Well, I remember walking down a street. I can't remember which one and getting a needle in my neck. Then I woke up in this strange place and my powers wouldn't work. I was strapped to a table. Surrounded by men."
She bit her lip, trying not to break down again.
" They beat me and they forced themselves on me." A tear came out of her violet eyes. " From there I was sent to a different man or group of men every day. I tried to fight them. I begged them to stop, but they wouldn't. I tried to cut my arm with anything I could. I just wanted it all to stop. But I just thought maybe I would be back in the tower and maybe there was hope. But when they said I wasn't good enough they dragged me into that building and left me there. I was in there two days before you found me. I didn't have the energy to walk. I was so alone..."
She tried to not cry but she couldn't anymore. She couldn't stand thinking about it anymore, but she will never forget it. She couldn't get the sick faces of those men out of her mind. It's like she could still feel their hands on her. All of the sudden, she felt warm arms around her. She knew it was her friend and she wrapped her arms back around him. She never wanted him to leave her alone.
" I... I couldn't stop them. I was so scared..."
" It's okay to be scared. I just want you to know that I won't let anyone hurt you again."
She sunk deeper into his warm hold. For the first time in a year she felt cared for. She missed him so much. His stupid jokes, the way he would always knock on her door. After a few minutes she broke the embrace and wiped her eyes.
" When I unzipped my jacket, did that give you a flashback?" He asked her softly. She nodded.
" I'm sorry, I just wasn't in my mind and I didn't trust a man at the moment and—" he saw tears in her eyes again.
" No no no don't apologize. You didn't do anything. And I understand, I wouldn't trust a guy either after that. Hell I wouldn't let one get near me like you did when I found you. That just shows how strong you are." He smiled with his little fang out. She laughed softly.
" I wouldn't call myself a strong person." She said lifting her arms.
" Well yeah I could beat you in a fight because I have more body strength than you do. Especially since you don't have your powers and I do. But, If I was trapped like a dog for a year I couldn't take it because I'm weak like that but look at you. You're taking it like a champ dude!" He gently punched her arm. She smiled.
" Now I'm done saying that you are better than me at something. Get some sleep. And if you wake up needing something I'll be right here."
She turned in the bed and fell asleep.

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