Sky line

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They walked the pier, holding hands as they did so. They watched as all of the afternoon oranges and yellows danced in the sky. They went and sat on the edge with their feet dangling off.
"You know, I'm glad you went with the short's." He said with a smirk.
"Yeah, I bet you are." She said with a hint of sarcasm. She scooter closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled and leaned his head on hers.
"So was your hamburger that I got you fantastic?" He said lacing his fingers with hers.
"So fantastic. Thank you." She kissed his cheek.
She couldn't help but to watch all of the beautiful colors in the sky. She had never seen it that way before.
"You know, when I was younger. My mom would tell me when the sky was like this, it meant God was saying something to you." He said with a smile, thinking about all of the happiness his mother brought him when he was younger.
"What do you mean by say something?" She said confused.
"Well, whenever I was really having a bad day the sky would always look like this. So I felt God was telling me there's hope. It's different for everyone."
"You believe in God?" She asked with pure curiosity.
"Yeah, of course I do. Do you?" She shrugged her shoulders.
"I really don't know..." Now that she thought about it she had never really thought about a God.
"Well I know something as beautiful as you couldn't have just happened." He said giving her a soft peck on the lips. She put her head back on her shoulder as the colors started to slowly disappear and turn into stars.
"I've always wanted to go to space." She said with amazement in her voice.
"Why is that?"
"Just imagine, looking everywhere and seeing nothing but stars and the earth. Being able to float and just feel free. And to look down at the earth and knowing all your problems down there can't reach you." She said with glassy eyes.
"I never thought of it like that. That sounds so... epic." He said studying the stars more closely than he ever has before.
"I hope my Mom and Dad are up there enjoying the view." She looked at him and tears were leaking down his cheeks. She could tell he was still hurt about the loss.
"Come here." She said with her arms outstretched. He took the offer and buried his head in her shoulder.
"I miss them so much." His voice was cracking as his tears fell on her shirt. She tightened her grip.
"I know, I miss my mom too. But you were the one that taught me we can get through this and we can. If your parents could talk to you right now, they would say how proud they are of you. You have been through so much and never quit. And I don't want you to ever quit." She said as tears of her own fell.
"Because I was gonna quit and give up but you saved me that night." Her tears here falling hard now. "You're the only reason I'm still here and they made a person with a heart of gold. And I don't want you to ever forget that."
He lifted his head and kissed her. This kiss lasted what seemed like forever, but it was soft. He pulled away and rested her forehead on hers. He held his pinky out.
"Promise you'll never quit." She locked her finger with his.
"I promise."
Thank you guys so so much!! We are ranked 6 in the bbrae tag! At least that is what it says on mine. Thank you all and I love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️ (Hugs)

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