Nightmares come true

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They walked beside each other and looked through the many shelves of books. She looked over and saw he was obviously not interested in any of the books on the shelves.
"Thanks..." She said softly.
"For what?"
"For this. Just for everything."
"Its my pleasure Rae." He smiled with his fang hanging out.
"Hey Rae I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick. I'll be right back." She nodded and watched him walk off. She searched through the shelves and found a book with a dark blue cover she might like. She went to pick it up but she was too short. She stood on her toes and tried but then someone ran their hands up her sides.
"Beastboy I..." She was cut off when she saw someone she never wanted to see ever again.
"Let me get that for ya sweetheart." He said with a low voice. It was one of the men that kept her hostage. She was shocked and was frozen solid.
"You're still as beautiful as the day I did you. And might I say, you were one of the best." He said and his hand went to the back of her leotard. His other hand was stroking her cheek.
"You sure did struggle and scream, but I got everything I wanted out of you." All of the sudden flash backs started to come into her head.
She was strapped to a bed. She couldn't use her powers. It's like they were drained out of her. She looked over and saw a man unzipping his pants. He looked at her and smirked before putting his weight on her. It was so bone crushing.
"Please stop." She said as she tried to get him off. But he wouldn't listen.
"Just relax sweetheart. This is gonna be fun." He said as he kissed down her neck. All of the sudden she felt a sharp pain in her lower half. She started sobbing as he kept going and going and going.
"SHUT UP!" He said as he smacked her on the side of the cheek. She wished it would all end now. After about 10 minutes he was finally over and he got off. She felt so much shame and hurt. Every muscle ached. As soon as he left the room he said something.
"This isn't over." And with that he closed the door.
She was standing there with tears coming down her face as he kept touching her. She wanted him to just leave her alone. What more could he take from her? After a few moments he handed her the book.
"I hope to see you in bed again." And with that he ran his fingers through her hair and left the store.
"I need to get out of here!" She thought to herself. She started running toward the exit with tears streaming down her face. She still had the book in her hand so when she walked through the doors the alarm went off. She stood outside the door and started sobbing openly. She knew she was having a panic attack and she couldn't calm herself down. She heard a sharp ringing in her ear with the sound of the alarm. She felt like she was going to faint. She was struggling to breathe and she couldn't stop the tears. After a few moments she felt someone's hand on her shoulder and she started to panic even more. She thought it was him again but when she opened her eyes she saw a blurry outline of her friend.
"Rae it's me. What happened?" She couldn't answer. All she did was sob and shake her head. She saw the security guards come up to him. He pried the book out of her hand and handed it to them.
"Sorry. She didn't mean to."He said softly to them. They nodded and put the book back in the store and he turned back to his crying teammate. He brought her into a tight hug and he rubbed her back trying to calm her down.
"Shh it's okay. Im here and everything's okay just breathe." He whispered to her. She held onto him tightly and hid her face in his chest. She was so scared. He felt her shaking and he knew that he needed to do something fast.
She heard his words and she started to calm down. He felt her stop shaking and her crying went down. She finally pulled away and he grabbed her shoulders.
"What happened? Did somebody hurt you?" She shook her head. He took his hand and wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks.
"Can we please go home? I can't take being here anymore." She said softly. He nodded and he wrapped an arm around her and held her close. She nuzzled closer to him as he did so. All she wanted was to feel safe in her own skin again.
Yay another chapter!!! It was really hard to write this chapter because I haven't had a panic attack in along time. I tried to kind of use the same background as 13 reasons why when Jessica had a panic attack in the store in season 2. But anyway I hope you all enjoyed and I will see ya later!❤️❤️

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