Its not over

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"I can run down the street and get you something else." Beastboy said as he saw Raven playing with the hospital food.
"It's okay. Thanks though." She took a bite of her cold mashed potatoes.
"Okay, well if you're hungry later because you barely ate anything I'm gonna dance around and say I told you so." He said with a stupid grin. She rolled her eyes and took another bite.
"Okay I know you just got shot, but you've been acting strange almost all week. Are you okay?"
She gave him a confused look. She didn't really remember acting strange.
"Well I am on my period so that's probably what he's talking about."
"I'm okay. Just my monthly cycle." She said, moving to the apple sauce.
"Oh..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Do you, need anything? I can get it for you."
She looked at him and giggled.
"I wouldn't put you through that. The nurses covered it. And besides you couldn't handle that." He stood up and put his hands on his hips.
"What do you mean I couldn't handle it?" He said in his I-know-everything- voice.
"Well let me think, every time we have gone to the store in the past and we walked down the pad and tampon isle, you and Cyborg laugh the whole time." She talked to him in the same tone.
"Well okay, you've got a point, but I'm a man now!" She shook her head.
"Yeah. You're a man alright." She grinned and kissed him.
A few nurses came into the room to take her tray.
"Now We are gonna check the progress to see if everything is healing properly." One of the nurses said as she started to unwrap her shoulder. She winced at the feeling of her wound touching the cold air.
"Well, everything seems to be normal, we've just gotta wrap it with new bandages. But I'd say you will be ready to leave in about a week or so. Maybe less." Raven groaned at the thought of being in this hole for a week.
They wrapped it tight which made it sore. Almost an unbearable soreness, but she tried her best to ignore it.
"Oh Rae, Cyborg just told me they were all in the waiting room. They just got here and wanted to see if you were okay. They haven't seen ya since ya got here." Raven smiled at the thought of her friends coming to see her.
"Excuse me nurse? Can my friends come back here? There are only 3 of them. They won't cause trouble I promise."
"Sorry ma'am. Only family." She said in a very stern voice.
"They are family. I live with them. I don't have parents or anything like that. They may not be blood but they are family. Please." She looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Okay fine, but if they start causing trouble then they are gone." Ravens smile grew. She couldn't wait to see them.
They came into the room. Starfire was holding a purple stuffed puppy.
"Friend Raven! I am so happy to see you are all right!" Starfire said with joy. "I found this at the shop for gifts, it reminded me of you." She handed her the soft stuffed animal. She put it beside her in the bed.
"Thank you Starfire." She said giving the alien a smile.
"Man that sucker got you good didn't he?" Cyborg said as he approached her, studying her bandaged shoulder.
"Yeah he sure did." She said trying to ignore the soreness.
"Raven I got good news." Robin said sitting next to the bed. "While you were in here I discovered that we didn't check one building. That's where they have to be. I know it. Soon this is gonna be over." He said giving her a smile. She looked at him, and then the rest of the team.
"It May soon be over, but it's not over yet."
Sorry if there is some spelling mistakes or anything😂 I'm suuppperrrr tired. If there are, tell me in the comments and I'll fix them later. Well I hope you all liked it!!❤️❤️

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