Chapter Two

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As it turns out, being trapped in the rover was not only uncomfortable but completely and utterly boring. The five of us sitting in almost absolute silence continues for what seems like forever as the sun starts to come up. "It's been three hours. What are they waiting for?" Bellamy asks, frustration clear in his voice as he breaks the silence. It's only been three hours?

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone." Kane says from across from me, and I rest my head on the rover's wall behind me. This is killing me. "I say we make a run for it." Monty says, causing me to roll my eyes. "That sounds like a good way to get killed." I say, and Kane nods. "Carter's right. That's what they want us to do."

"The boy is right." Indra says, shocking me. I thought Indra would side with reason, but it seems like her natural aggression and willingness to fight any moving things is taking over. "They can wait longer than we can." Okay, maybe she is still on the side of reason. I sigh. "What's the plan?" I ask, glancing between Bellamy and Kane.

"Bellamy, you get in the turret and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there," he says, pointing out the window. "We'll cover you." Bellamy's hand, that is resting on my knee, squeezes softly. A silent signal to listen. "Copy that. Run fast." He says, taking his hand from my knee and placing it on his gun. He slides the top open and slowly peeks his head out. I hear him gasp and tense up as my hand reaches to my thigh for my knife.

"They're here."


"Everybody out or the boy dies." An unfamiliar voice calls from on top of Rhodey. Bellamy grunts as he is pulled off his feet and out through the top. "Bell!" I yell, pulling out my knife and kicking the back doors open, ready to kill anyone who lays a hand on me or my friends. Before I can jump out and defend myself, hands grab me and through me to the ground. A foot presses on my hand with my knife while another one lands on the small of my back.

I hear the grunting of everyone else as the same thing seems to happen to them. "All targets secure!" A woman's voice calls out. That doesn't sound very Grounder-like. I look to my left and see one of them pull Monty back up to his feet as the other pulls the Farm Station beacon from his pocket. "Found it." He says, holding it up in triumph. "It's mine. Give it back!" Monty says, struggling against the person holding him captive.

"Monty, let it go!" Bellamy yells from my right. I begin to struggle against the person pinning me to the ground, but the woman's voice sounds again. "Monty?"

Everyone seems to pause, including me. I turn my head around to see the woman slowly make her way up to Monty, and Monty's eyes go wide. "Mom?" He says, sounding really confused. I knew they didn't sound like Grounders. The woman, apparently Monty's mother, tells the person to let go of her son, and the two embrace each other. "Hey, obviously we're on the same side, so could you get off of me?" I say, doing me best to glare at the person still basically standing on me. The guy sighs, probably rolls his eyes, and gets off of my. He doesn't even offer to help me up. Rude.

I get to my feet as Bellamy does the same and comes to stand next to me. I put my knife back into my thigh holster that also carries a handgun and give Bellamy a confused look. He shakes his head, and we both move to stand just slightly behind Kane, our arms brushing as we walk side by side. "How many of you are there?" Kane asks the bald guy standing in front of him. "Sixty-three." Baldy says, glancing towards his other people before looking back to Kane. "The rest are camped in the mountains north of here." Baldy continues, and I scrunch my eyebrows. "That's right in the middle of Azgeda territory." I say, and Baldy looks to me. "We're Grounder killers one and all." He says, a proud smirk on his face. "Am I right?" He calls out, and the others do what seems like an old military answer yell.

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