Chapter Thirteen

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Our group is guided into the building and out of the sun and salty ocean breeze. A Grounder tells us to sit and wait, and more Grounders begin to file into the room, sitting on stools, pillows, and old boxes that are set up around small fires. Food and drinks are brought out, and Bellamy immediately takes away the alcohol I was given, stating that we all need to be sharp. No one tries to take away Jasper's cup.

"Everywhere I looked, there were fins. And teeth. And blood."

My eyes dart to the girl standing in front of the room and delivering a story of some sort. I'm honestly just trying to keep my eyes open at this point. I think the drug is still having an affect on me. "I knew if they saw me, I'd be next, so I just floated there, waiting, praying they'd swim on, but they didn't."

The sound of a door opening causes me to sit up a little straighter and look towards the sound. I watch as Luna walks into the room.

"She's here." Bellamy says, leaning towards the center of our half circle,glancing between Clarke and I. "Maybe she's changed her mind." This causes me to roll my eyes. "Are we ever that lucky?"

Bellamy ignores my sarcastic question and stands up, causing Clarke and I to follow. The three of us bob and weave between the Grounders listening to this girl's shark story, and we come to stand in front of Luna.

"The boats return at nightfall. Then you leave. Forever." Luna says, looking between the three of us with slight disdain in her eyes. I don't blame her. "Luna, let us explain." Clarke jumps in, nudging me out of the way as she steps closer to the Grounder. "I said no." Luna says, moving to walk away, but Bellamy steps in front of her causing her to stop and glare at him. "You need to hear this." He says, and she looks to me. "There's something out there that is going to destroy us all." Bellamy says, interrupting me before I can tell Luna everything. I sigh in frustration as Luna looks back to Bellamy.

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here." Luna says and steps between Bellamy and Clarke, sending me a look of almost disappointment. I look down to my boots as Clarke and Bellamy begin muttering to each other.

"You know." I say, interrupting them. "If we just told her everything that is going on and tell her she can take out the Flame after Alie is destroyed, she might be more willing to help us. Instead, you two are completely happy with keeping her in the dark, and it isn't getting us anywhere."

The words flow out in a harsh whisper as applause sounds as the girl finishes with her story. I glare between the two, making my frustration with them clear, before turning away and heading back towards where Octavia is now sitting on her own.

The two of us sit in silence as the room breaks out into different groups of quiet conversations. Bellamy and Clarke join us, sitting on either side of me.

"Jasper's actually smiling." Bellamy says, causing me to glance across the room at him as he talks to Shark Girl. I smile before looking back to Bellamy. "He'd fit in well here." I say before glancing over to my sister to see her glaring at Luna. I roll my eyes. "Just let it go." I say, gaining her attention. She looks surprised. "We can't just leave." She argues, and I give her a confused look. "What else can we do? Tie her down and force the damn thing into her head?"

Clarke's eyes widen which cause my shoulders to sag. "That wasn't an idea Clarke. That was sarcasm." I see Octavia lean in towards Clarke. "This isn't like Emerson, he was trying to kill us."

"You think I don't know that?" Clarke asks, and I roll my eyes at my sister. "How come your ideas keep getting worse and worse?" I ask, glaring at her. "Clarke, we don't have to do this. We can fight, we can go back to Arkadia. We arm up." Bellamy starts, but I turn to him in confusion.

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