Chapter Six

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Clarke has been gone for a couple days now. Kane said that Octavia told him that she went back to Polis with Lexa. I still have a slight negative feeling towards Lexa for what she did to me and my people at Mount Weather, but I appreciate that she hasn't slaughtered us even if we slaughtered her people.

Octavia's voice brings me back to the current situation at hand.

"Pike's detail is still at it. Soil and water samples." She says, her voice a little staticy over the radio. Kane and I share an anxious look with each other as he brings the receiver to his mouth. "Any idea what they're up to?" Kane whispers into the radio. "No, but considering how heavily they're armed, I don't think they want anyone to find out." At Octavia's response, I take the radio from Kane. "Then you stay out of sight and stay safe." I say, but all I get from the younger Blake is a hum of agreement.


I close my eyes and let out a sigh of frustration. "What is it?" Kane asks as I hold my breath. "There's a Grounder kid. Hang on." She says, and my leg starts bouncing from my seat on Kane's desk. If they don't want anyone from Arkadia to know what they're up to, they are definitely not going to like a Grounder kid seeing what they're doing.

After a moment of silence, Kane sighs. "Octavia, please respond." He whispers into the radio, and I take the radio from him. "Octavia, I swear if you got yourself caught I'm gonna kill you." I say into the radio and smile when I hear a huff. "They're going after the kid. I'm trying to cut them off." She says, and I sigh.

It must be a Blake thing to be the hero. I bring the radio back to my mouth. "Remember, try to stay out of sight." I say quickly, knowing that Octavia probably isn't listening. There's a long moment of silence before I speak into the radio again. "You know, I'm getting really tired of waiting on the Blakes to respond over the radio." I mumble, knowing now isn't the time to joke about the older Blake sibling, but I can't help but to think about him and how he was inside Mount Weather on a suicide mission three months ago.

"Kane?" Octavia responds, and I'm not even slightly offended by her lack of acknowledgement. "You okay?" Kane asks as he takes the radio back from me. "We need to find out what Pike's up to. Right now, whatever it is, they were willing to kill a kid to keep it quiet." Octavia says, and I sigh is frustration. Pike and his Farm Station people are getting way out of control. "We're on it. You stay safe." Kane says before turning off the radio.

Kane turns to me with a pointed look, and I sigh. "I'm not talking to him." I say, sliding off his desk and making my way towards the door. "Carter, I know it's difficult, but making him think that you're on his side will allow him to confide in you." Kane argues for what feels like the hundredth time is the past day.

Kane wants me to play double agent with Bellamy and have me make him think that I'm on his and Pike's side with this whole campaign to kill all the Grounders. No matter how much I tell myself that it would save the lives of innocent people, I can't get myself to do it. Not only because he can read me like an open book and knows when I'm lying, but I would be doing exactly what he did to me, and I won't allow myself to be a hypocrite.

"If we're going to do this, we need to do it now."

I didn't even notice that Miller had come into Kane's room. Kane nods to Miller and motions for me to follow as we walk down the halls of the fallen Ark towards Pike's office. "Both of you step aside in case someone answers." Kane says as we come up to the closed door. "I told you, no one's home." Miller whispers back, but both of us step to either side of Kane, just out of the sight of anyone who would open the door.

Kane pounds his fist on the door as Miller gives me an exasperated look. I watch as Miller tries to hide a smile and sighs out a small laugh. "What?" Kane and I ask at the same time. Miller shows his smile as he gestures to the three of us. "Bet you didn't think we'd break the law together when you arrested us on the Ark, huh?" He says, and I roll my eyes.

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