Chapter Seven

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The next day is quiet. Bellamy and I don't really see each other as I keep busy in Medical with my mom and he stays glued to Pike's side, but there is an unspoken truce between us. At least for now.

The morning after that, I hear Pike and Bellamy being summoned to the front gate, and I can't help but be curious and excuse myself from my mother's side and head there myself. I stay a good distance behind them, watching as they walk with purpose to the gate. They climb up to one of the watchtowers, and I find myself being under it, hearing everything that they say perfectly. I switch on the radio that Kane gave me, hoping that he might be listening.

"Let me know if the status changes." I hear Hannah speak into a radio just above me. "Hannah?" I hear Pike ask and look up to see the three bodies just through the grated floor. "Sir, we lost contact with one of our Recon teams." Hannah says, and my eyebrows shoot up. I put the earpiece in my ear just in case Kane decides to talk, so the others won't hear him. "There were four men." Bellamy says, sounding shocked.

"Three teams departed Arkadia at 0800 hours on routine patrol. Each of them reported Grounder contact less than a mile outside of camp. As per your orders, two teams retreated and made it safely back inside the walls." Hannah reports, and I can't help but shake my head. You're honestly shocked that Grounders have retaliated against you killing them?

"The third?" I hear Pike ask. "Was forced to engage. I believe they were attempting to secure a defensive position when they ceased transmissions." Hannah answers, and I can hear the worry in her voice.

"The Grounders are close." Pike says, and I roll my eyes. "Gathering from the north and west. It appears they're establishing a blockade. There's no way through it." Hannah says, and I resist cheering. It's about damn time the Grounders stepped up. Don't get me wrong, I worry about my people's safety, but the Grounders haven't done anything to show Pike that they have the ability to wipe us out completely, and that has allowed him to think that he can get away with anything.

"Something's changed." Pike says. Yeah, Lexa finally grew a pair.

"Sir?" A fourth voice calls out. "You need to see this." Unfortunately, I can't see anything from my position, so I turn off my radio and shove the earpiece into my jacket pocket, moving out from under the watchtower and towards the front gate where I know there is a small gap where I can see through.

I peek out just in time to see two Grounders on horseback come out of the surrounding forest and make their way towards the gate. Lexa's sending a message. I move away from the gate just as Bellamy and Pike climb down the ladder. Neither of them notice me standing just off to the side, and I try to stay out of their sight as I watch what is happening from behind them.

Bellamy orders the Guard to open the gate, and he does exactly that. I find myself standing just behind Hannah.

"Talk." Bellamy says, and I find myself reaching for my gun only to remember I don't have it because I'm not cleared to. Thanks Pike. "We seek the one you call Pike." One of the Grounders say, and I resist the urge to point at the bald man in front of me. "Why?" Bellamy asks, and I glare at the back of his head. Why the hell do you think? "An army has fallen. Blood soaking the earth where he took their lives one by one." The Grounder says, talking loud enough for anyone outside to hear. People start gathering around the front gate.

"Welcome to the war against Skaikru." Bellamy says, and I close my eyes and sigh in frustration. Here we go. "Life was taken. We demand life in return." The Grounder says, ignoring Bellamy's comment. I watch as Pike steps forward. "My life?" He asks, and I nod, hoping that one of the Grounders will just take him now. "What are your terms?" Pike asks, and Bellamy warns him with a firm 'sir.'

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