Chapter Twelve

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The drive started off pretty silent with Octavia just giving me directions and course adjustments. No one really started talking until the evening hours when rain begins to spatter against the windshield.

"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage." I hear Jasper speak up suddenly and steele myself for yet another sarcastic comment about the map. "Seeing as we're using a map without any distances, it could be days before we reach Luna's village." And there it is.

"At least we know we're going in the right direction." Bellamy says, and I rub a hand over my tired face. I've been driving for the past six hours. Being stuck in the rover with my long, lost twin sister who has been gone for months, one friend who has lost his girlfriend and his mind, one who's lost her boyfriend and her heart, and my own boyfriend thing who has been very confusing and untrustworthy makes for a very stressful and tiring road trip.

"We're running out of daylight." Jasper quips back as I put both hands back on the wheel. "We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery." He says, and I lean forward to look at the sky through the windshield. "What sun are you talking about?" I ask sarcastically, a little more harsh than I want. "We keep going until it dies." Clarke says from right behind me. "We keep going until we get to Luna." Octavia says, speaking up for the first time since pointing out the airplane wreckage.

"This her?" I hear Jasper ask and look in the mirror to see him holding up Lincoln's journal towards Octavia. "Yes." She replies dryly. "What do you think she's gonna do when we show up asking to put an AI in her head?" Jasper asks, and I take in a deep breath and share a agitated look with Bellamy next to me.

"Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble. She'll help us too." Octavia says, and I sigh. "Well, we are definitely in trouble." I mutter, slowly coming to a stop as I notice a fallen tree in our way. "You think she can help us find a better map?"

I groan and rub both hands over my face. I need to get out of this vehicle before I murder one of these people. "Backtrack. We find somewhere where the trees aren't so bad." Bellamy starts telling me, but I've already aggressively kicked open my door and jumped out by the time he finishes speaking.

I hear Bellamy yell out for me, but I ignore him as I stomp to the back. "We're going on foot." I say, not at all surprised to see Octavia already jumping out of the back. Clack sighs and throws me my pack and bow and arrow. Everyone else gets out slowly. I hear one door slam particularly loud and turn and see Bellamy glaring slightly at me. I don't even return it, just begin jogging after Octavia. "Did anyone here the part where I said it could be days?"

"Stop!" Octavia yells, and we all freeze. "You hear that?" She says, turning to me with the smallest of smiles on her face. One appears on my face as well. "Water."

Octavia and I run up the slight hill in front of us, not caring enough to wait for the rest of our group. "Eyes sharp, they could be hostile!" Bellamy yells from behind us, sounding a little frustrated at not being in charge of the moment. Octavia stops to yell back at her brother, but I just keep running.

For the first time in what feels like forever, I'm running through the forest towards something. Not away from something. I'm running because there's a destination in front of me with a promise of hope not because there's something behind me wanting to take my life. I feel free in this moment and just can't get my legs to stop running towards the sound of rushing water and against the suddenly salty breeze.

I follow a rushing river, not really needing Octavia's directions. Anymore, and break through the trees, stopping to take in the beautiful sight in front of me.

Right there in front of me, as far as I can see, is water. I have never seen so much water in one place before. The land curves around it, as if it wants to give it a one-armed hug, and rises into hills and mountains. My lips part slightly at how breathtaking this view is even with the rainy sky above it.

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