Chapter Three

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I've been locked up for a week. For a week, I haven't talked to my sister, or Lexa, or anyone. Food gets pushed through a barely open door before it's slammed shut and locked again. I'm not gonna lie, the room is pretty nice, but it has been really boring.

A knock sounds on my door. I know they're going to come in whether I tell them to or not, so I stay silent as I hear the door open. I glance over my shoulder and see Lexa and Clarke come in. "Clarke!" I yell and rush to give her a hug. Our embrace is short lived as Lexa clears her throat. "We have much to discuss. She says as I glare at her. "She's right, Carter. We have a lot to talk about." I look at my sister and nod. "Let's talk."

Lexa begins explaining how she wants Skaikru to become the Thirteenth Clan in her coalition. In order to convince the rest of the clans to honor it, she wants Clarke and I, the Commander of Death and the Banshee, to bow before her as our Commander to prove her strength to the rest.

"And you agreed to this?" I ask, giving Clarke a really? look to which she rolls her eyes. "No." She says, and Lexa steps forward, but Clarke interrupts her. "Our mother and Kane are going to be here tonight for the Summit, and I think we should wait for their input before we decide anything." Clarke says, and I catch what she is saying. She has a plan. She just needs time. I nod and cross my arms over my chest. "I agree."

Lexa sighs from her position. "I have also granted the both of you freedom to roam Polis, but you may not leave the building." She says before turning and leaving the two of us alone in the room. Once the door shuts, Clarke whirls around to face me fully. "Roan and I have agreed that we are killing Lexa." She says, causing my eyes to widen. "What?" I ask, choking slightly on my words. "Roan wants revenge for her going back on her deal, and he knows, and you know, that I want revenge for her abandoning us at Mount Weather." She says, and I purse my lips.

"Clarke, if we kill her, probably the one leader who is willing to agree to have peace with us, what will happen? Who is going to take control, and who is going to get killed in the power struggle?" I rattle off, and I see hesitation bloom in my sister's eyes. She sighs, and her resolve seems to rebuild. "Carter, our people will be forced to follow her orders if we become the Thirteenth Clan." She says, and I shake my head. "But if we're part of the coalition, then Azgeda can't start a war against Skaikru without Lexa's army being there to support us." I counter, and it's Clarke's turn to shake her head.

"Are you saying you want to be a part of Lexa's coalition?" She asks in disbelief. I throw my hands up in frustration. "I don't know! I'm just saying maybe we should hold off on killing her until our people's safety is guaranteed." I say, whispering the last part. I sigh and place a hand on Clarke's shoulder. "I know you're angry with Lexa and what she did. I still have nightmares from that place because of being left behind. I understand that she is the one who forced you to pull that lever, to kill all those people, but maybe you should hold off on killing this time." I reason, and I see her hesitation again. "Just think about it more before you kill her. That's all I'm asking." I say, and Clarke nods before walking out and leaving me in my room.

An hour or so later, Clarke comes back in, her eyes puff and slightly red from crying. "Clarke?" I ask, sitting up from the bed I was lying on. "We're going to be the Thirteenth Clan." She says, and my eyes widen. "I am going to go talk to our mother and Kane, and Lexa wants you to get ready." She says, and I scrunch my eyebrows. "Get ready for what?" I ask, and she smiles. "For the ceremony."

As she finishes, a group of women come in and push me down into a chair. "Clarke?" I call and hear her laugh before the door shuts. Damn that woman for leaving me here. The woman begin washing my hair and my face, putting perfumes on me that make me sneeze a couple of times which causes them to laugh. One begins braiding my hair, another one painting my fingernails black, and one putting something on my face.

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