Chapter Five

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After Bellamy left, sleep was completely out of the question, so I do the stupidest thing I could, I walk outside.

For what feels like days, the camp is completely silent as the sounds of gunshots and screams bounce off the surrounding forest and mountains. All I can do is wash and brush Brego as a way to distract myself. It barely works.

The sound of the gate opening catches my attention, and I turn my head and see them walk back into camp, Bellamy at the head. I quickly look away before Bellamy could catch my gaze.

"My God, look at them." I turn my head towards the Ark Station and see mom and Kane standing at Brego's head, Kane resting a hand on his nose. I look back to the group coming back into camp and see the blood splattered over all of them. The brush falls from my hands as my whole body freezes. There is so much blood.

I watch Octavia run up to her brother, but I can't get my feet to do the same. I just stand there stunned, halfway between hoping that none of that blood belongs to him and hoping that none of it belongs to the Grounders.

Bellamy looks away from his sister, and his eyes find me. I'm still frozen in horror and watch as he takes a step towards me, hesitates, and then follows the rest of the group into Alpha Station as Pike calls for the gate to be closed.

"Everybody listen up!" Pike yells, causing the whole camp to fall back into silence, even stopping the group who were making their way inside. "Twenty-four hours ago you elected me your Chancellor. Every action I've taken since, and every action I will take, will be to achieve one sacred goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous and safe Arkadia."

The people cheer in agreement, and I stoop down to pick up the brush again, not wanting to listen to this speech. Every word that comes out of his mouth causes my dread to grow. I feel someone's eyes on me as I grab Brego's reins and begin leading him to his stall.

"This morning, on a muddy field, our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the Grounders." Pike's words cause me to freeze and glance over my shoulder. I glare at the man as he stands above the crowd, still holding a gun that was used to slaughter three-hundred people with no purpose.

"This land is ours now! Resist and you will be met by force. Fight and you will be greeted by death. Today is a new beginning. Mark it down, remember it just like the Grounders will remember it." These words are met by more cheering, and my eyes lower from Pike to Bellamy. He has his head over his shoulder, his eyes zeroed in on me. I can see the conflict in his face even being fifty feet away.

My eyes go back to Pike as he jumps from his little platform and walks through the crowd. Bellamy does the same and then falls in line behind him with the rest of Farm Station, and I turn back to Brego and lead him into his stall with one single thought buzzing around my head.

Of those ten people who went up against three-hundred Grounder, none of them are hurt in any way.

For the rest of the morning, I help my mom in medical. We treat children who have minor scrapes from falling down while playing and adults who hurt themselves while working. I enjoy the work. It keeps me busy and keeps my mind from wandering to what happened in the early hours this morning.

"Carter Griffin to the Chancellor's office. Carter Griffin to the Chancellor's office."

My mom and I meet each other's eyes, both in a mixture of worry, confusion, and fear.

I finish applying the bandage to a little girl's knee, give her a smile, and walk her out of medical as I make my way to Pike's office. As I'm walking, I hear the PA call for Kane to go to the office as well, and I have a feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Again.

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