Thirty Three

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Class was canceled today so I decided to turn my house into a rave again and knock this chapter out a day early! :D


The ground vibrated underneath Alice's feet from the pounding bass as she squeezed her way through the hundreds of sweaty, stumbling, inebriated bodies with their hands in the air. Some guy wearing a fedora and whose pupils were as wide as saucers jumped in front of her, waving neon green glow sticks in her face, but she ducked under his arm and continued her search for Emily and Blaise. The temptation to turn around and escape the vortex of disorder and electronic music was strong, but she thankfully spotted her friends slightly off to the side of the cluster of people.

    When she felt a hand against her lower back, she nearly shot her elbow backwards out of reflex. It was a good thing she looked behind first, because she was met with Isaac's big blue eyes looking completely unimpressed by his surroundings. He lowered his lips to her ear so she could hear, and even though he was close enough that she could feel his breath against her neck, his voice sounded barely above a whisper as he shouted over the music.

    "I can't believe you managed to drag me out here!"


    "I can't believe you - oh nevermind," he said once he noticed Alice's blank expression and placed his hands on her shoulders to guide her towards Emily and Blaise. When she felt him give a light squeeze of her shoulders, she leaned her neck back so he could see her flash him a quick smile.

    The second Emily spotted Alice she jumped twelve feet in the air before throwing her arms around her neck, giving a fake sob as she squealed, "I'm so glad you're here!"

    She looked behind her at Blaise who never looked so relieved to see Isaac and beckoned him over to the outskirts of the dance floor. When she turned back to Alice she leaned into her ear and said, "Blaise is, like, a really bad dancer!"

Alice laughed. "Yeah, I saw!"

"It's super cute that he tried though, right!?"

"Uhh, yeah! So cute!"

Emily looked at Blaise again and pressed her fingers together so they made the shape of a heart then pointed at him. Blushing, Blaise looked at his feet for a second before sending her a bashful grin and turned back to Isaac.

"Let's never go clubbing with them again!" Emily said, and Alice only nodded her head in response, not even trying to give an audible response as the crowd erupted with cheers as the DJ threw on a Major Lazer song. Emily grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her closer to Blaise and Isaac. With one last attempt, they each motioned for them to dance, but the boys shook their heads vigorously.

    "We don't need them!" Alice shouted and Emily nodded her head, before twirling Alice under her arm. The two girls giggled and raised their drinks in the air, toasting the night.

    Time no longer seemed to matter as each song blended into the next. Alice's arms felt like rubber from flailing in the air, but it seemed the music had overtaken her body, making her incapable to stop. Both her and Emily's hair was matted, their necks dripping with sweat, as they jumped around the small area they seemed to clear out. Any time someone ventured into their bubble they were at risk of getting smacked with either Alice's arms or the ends of Emily's long, platinum hair.

    There was no chance either would have a voice the next day from belting the lyrics to every single song as if they were their favorite in history. Each song that played earned its own impromptu choreography, both Emily and Alice falling in sync with each other, as if they were on some supernatural wavelength.

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