Forty Seven Part One

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Wooo Two-Parter night!!! Then only one, maybe two, chapters left!?! I never really know what length they're going to end up being as I write them haha. BUT IT'S ALMOST DONE! 

The next part will be up as soon as I'm done quickly editing it. :) 


Alice's pillow was damp and covered in black mascara stains from her uncontrollable tears. She didn't think it was possible to cry that much, she -


The sound of the front door exploding open shocked Alice out of her depression. Quivering, she shot up from her pillow clutching at her chest, awaiting the intruder.

"Blimey, woman, don't you know how to answer a phone?"

Alice's seized-up body relaxed and she dabbed her eyes with her blanket, a weak attempt to disguise her episode before the clunking footsteps reached her bedroom. "Blaise?"

"Are you decent?" he called from outside of doorway and Alice croaked out a sob mixed with laughter.


Without hesitation, Blaise jumped into the bedroom with panic radiating from him, but his face morphed into concern at the state of Alice.

"Oh, bloody hell, no, why are you crying?" The energy around Blaise was buzzing and he grabbed his head, distraught by his internal dilemma. "Shit, no. Quick. Prioritize, Blaise, come on."

"Blaise, what is happeni- ?"

"Has anyone died?" Blaise interjected.

"What? No, Blaise -"

"Has anyone assaulted you?"


"Alright. Good. But I'm sorry, whatever your problem is, it will have to wait. Get your coat on."

Alice raised her finger to demand more of an explanation, but Blaise had quickly spun on his heel, storming towards the door. Filled with confusion, Alice obliged and threw Isaac's black sweater overtop her first-date attire.

Blaise's shoes were already on as he tapped his foot impatiently at the door. "You've got thirty seconds before I leave without you."

"Can you please tell me what's going on?"

"I will in the car! Just hurry up."

Alice slid on a pair of flip-flops and followed Blaise to the car. Rain drizzled from the sky and the dark clouds masked all moonlight, making her neighborhood appear darker and more still than usual. It left Alice with an eerie, uncomfortable sensation in the pit of her stomach.

Before Alice even shut the passenger door, Blaise was zoomed down the driveway, simultaneously lighting a cigarette with a match.

"Alright, don't panic, okay?" He said as he sped out of the residential neighborhood onto the freeway.

"Like you're one to talk," Alice said, grabbing her own cigarettes from her pocket.

He glared at her through the corners of his eyes.

"Fine, I won't panic," she said.

"Isaac is in this hospital."


The dull chatter from the radio melted away and was instead replaced with a high-pitched ringing as if someone smashed a symbol right beside her ear. Her heart pounded through her chest as her mind dragged her through the worst case scenarios.

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