Author's Ramble: Plz Don't Get Excited

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Hello, team!

So, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid all summer, but I am unfortunately announcing that I will not be updating until September (probably around September 5th-8th-ish).

If you care about why you can read my following ramble/vent. If not, that is A-OK and I hope to see you again in the fall! <3 :) I'm trying to view this as like......a break in between two seasons of a T.V. show or something. So, yeah, this story is definitely returning as soon as life gets back to normal!! :D You're all amazing and I appreciate every single person who has read a word of this story!

If you want to bypass my annoying rambles but want to check out a list to a few awesome (completed) stories that I've also finished to pass the time, scroll down to the bottom! :D 

Anyway, ramble time!

So, I was totally worried about my writing slowing down until September but I didn't think it would be this bad! As some of you know, I've temporarily been working in my hometown for a summer job and am living at my mom's house until September 3rd. Super lame moving back into your mom's right after graduating, but hey! I was a broke college student who needed to make some quick money before venturing into the world of searching for a career (eek!). Soo, naturally, thank god for waitressing gigs in my super busy tourist town.

As I'm sure many of you have experienced, the service industry = weird, erratic, and demanding schedules that make no sense at all.

Weird schedules I could probably work with eventually! I would just need to manage my time more efficiently and adjust to the schedule more, which is totally doable.

It is the environment of living in a different house! There's so little privacy at my mom's house! When I'm living in my own apartment I have a little writing nest in my room where I can hide away and brainstorm and write for 6 hours with no interruption. I just tell my boyfriend I'm having a writing night and he leaves me alone haha. However, at my mom's house, my living situation is basically in my teenage room which has no bed or desk or anything (my bed is in my apartment in my other city haha), but sleeping upstairs in a spare bedroom where my mom keeps all of her clothes and computer in there, so she's in there a lot, too.

Because of all that, I have nowhere to hide and write haha! I'll try writing on the couch, but then I end up getting distracted by my mom, brother, or puppies that I totally lose that awesome flow you get when writing, then I kind of lose the point I'm trying to deliver. But I mean, that's a small price to pay for free food and rent for two months (I <3 my mom so much!).

Serious question for fellow writers: What are your writing habits!?

I personally am the type who is really bad at writing little bits of a chapter at a time and returning to it; I almost always will clear out any plans I have in the evening or a Saturday/Sunday, and spend 5 hours writing a whole chapter and won't stop until I'm done it otherwise I'll kind of... forget what was happening in my head and then (I think) the quality of the chapter decreases haha. Can anyone relate to that feeling!? Or are you more of a ~500 words a day/write for an hour a day type of person? I would love to hear! <3

I'm so close to beginning the wrap up of this story, I just want every remaining chapter to be at its highest potential possible. I love this story way too much to half-ass the quality of the ending just because I'm temporarily in a living situation where I can't focus, especially when I know I'll be back home in less than a month. I cannot wait at all!

In the meantime, I'm going to try to have more of an active presence on Wattpad! I'm really hoping to finally catch up on all the stories I'm reading! Lately I've found myself avoiding Wattpad because I've been slacking so much on writing and felt guilty, but now that I'm accepting that it's happening, I'm going to go back to enjoying everyone's lovely stories <3.

A few shoutouts to some awesome stories that you should totally add to your summer reading list!

@AuraFinley 's The Elusive Nature of Secrets is such a fun and unique story that I think delivers a very real message that you certainly wouldn't expect. Better yet, it's finished so you can binge it all in a day! I loved it so damn much. I don't want to spoil too much so like......just read it. She gets writing so much.

@StuartCampbell5 's ongoing Notes From Last Night is such a realistic, hilarious look inside the life of three men who are trying to navigate their relationships, hook-ups, and alcohol-fuelled adventures, all while being pretty sweet sometimes. Seriously, if you want a glimpse inside the mind of a 20-something male, read this story! Or, if you're looking for something a little sweeter and romantic, his finished story The Million Mile Highway is such a heartwarming, cute story that approaches a certain cliche that is often written about in a much different way. All of his stuff is hilarious, though. Check it out!

@KayeAnders 's Discovering Our Story is just SO GOOD GUYS. It is such a fricken delightful slowburn romance that is so damn deep, it hurts sometimes, man. Like, this book needs to be a paper back novel. It is so polished and well edited, I frequently forgot that I was reading something on Wattpad. God, I could ramble about this story for ages and how good it is, just...omg the lead male in it is just like.......WOW. I'm still in love.

This list could easily be like.....20 stories longer hahaha. I need to stop otherwise I'll never go to sleep.

So I'm going to end my ramble here. I just miss you guys and wanted to fill you in on what's happening haha. Honestly, this summer has been so fun for me! Super crazy busy, but fun! How's everyone's summer going!? Any cool vacations!? Do tell!! <3

I love you guys! Can't wait to hear from you all again in September! I promise I'll be back!

xoxox Ashley

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