*AUTHOR'S NOTE - don't get excited*

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Hey guys! Posting this because it's too long to post at the end of a chapter. I have a few things to bring up! :D <3  

1. Does anyone have any recommendations for an alternative to Microsoft Word? My Microsoft Word subscription just ran out this past week and I was wondering if anyone knew of any (cheap/free) alternatives? The thing I used today was really annoying and kept capitalizing words that shouldn't be capitalized haha...I think I caught all the mistakes, but I'm very bad at editing my own work. Any recommendations would be very appreciated! :)

2. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update!! It's right at the end of the semester so I've been busy finishing up final projects and whatnot. I have good news and bad news. Basically, over the next week I have my final exams, so I'll only be able to update once during the week. And then...bad news...I'll be going to Mexico for a week ahh! While I'm SO excited (I've never been on a plane before and I haven't had a vacation in over 6 years omfg I could cry of joy) I will sadly not be able to update at all during that time. BUT the good news is that once I return, I'll have sooooooooooooo much more time to update. Like, it'll go back to twice a week most likely. These scarce updates are a means to an end, I swear! :)

3. THIS STORY IS SO LONG. When I first thought of this story and did a super rough outline, this chapter was only going to be the ELEVENTH chapter. Even crazier, these past five chapters were all going to be ONE chapter. And I don't mean one giant chapter, I mean everything that's happened in the past five chapters crammed into one 3000 word chapter. That obviously would have sucked, because everything would be so rushed, but I acknowledge that this story is soooo long. I realize now that in a hypothetical dream world where this got published, it would have to be split into two books. Either this chapter would be the ending of the first one, or two chapters from now. I don't know. What I'm basically saying is that there's still basically a whole other book's worth of content to be written. Because I did not intend for this story to be so long, I'm not going to bother breaking it up into sequels and what not, because I haven't been writing it as if it would be ending soon. But, I just want y'all to know that there is still a ton of exciting things to come for these characters ;) I can't wait! 

4. If you guys have any questions about the characters and stuff, you can ask me here! ;) After this point, the story will return to spoiler-free mode and vague responses from myself to comments regarding character intentions and the like. ;)

5. Guys, you should all check out @Raecote's stories! Seriously, I have never read descriptions as trippy and beautiful as hers on Wattpad, and even in lots of published works. She has been an absolute inspiration to my writing and is just the greatest. <3 <3 

You're all amazing! I never thought I would get here! I'm over the moon! <3 Thank you so much. 

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