Chapter 4

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Shai's POV

Walking into the kitchen I made my to the fridge and got what I needed, walking through the door I collided into the wall.

This wasn't even here when I came in first, that's because stupid!! It isn't a wallmy subconscious yelled at me.

Looking up I realized it is one of Aaron's guards.

"Watch it puttana" he growled out.

Ever since I saw him he has been giving me dirty, as if I even asked to be here.

It's not like you had a choice stupid, my subconscious said again, will you shut up!! And stop calling me stupid!!

Hey now I'm not the one talking to myself, I didn't even bother to reply realizing that I'm craz.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Whatever, don't let it happen again, just stay out of my way cagna" he spoke with so much venom that it sent shivers down my spine.

"Did you hear what I said??!", he whisper yelled.

"Yes" I squeaked out.

"Bene" and with that, he bumped into me hard, most likely it's going to bruise, before leaving.

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding, why is he even treating me like this? Did I do him wrong?

I wondered but quickly snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed the bottle from the floor that I didn't even realize had fallen.

I all but ran out of the kitchen and straight to my room, by the time I reached I was a panting mess.

I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face, wiped it off, and made my way into the room but me being me I end up tripping and twisted my ankle in the process.

Looking to see what caused it I realized it was my towel, shaking my head I tried to get stand up but pain struck through my ankle and I ended up falling again letting out a scream of pain.

Immediately the bedroom door swung open revealing Aaron's frightened face.

"What happened to you?" his voice held concern.

"I was coming from the bathroom when I tripped and seemed to twist my ankle" my voice was pained.

"Can you stand?" I shook my head 'no' he sighed and picked me up bridal style walking over to our bed.

He laid me down before sitting on the edge staring into my eyes, his eyes went to my lips and automatically my eyes went to his then our eyes connected again before he cleared his throat snapping me out of it.

Just then I realized that we had an audience but what caught my attention was the 'glaring guard', that's what I decided to call him, and he was doing what he does best, glaring at me, for some unknown reason.

"I'll call my personal doctor to come and have a look at your ankle", personal doctor? That's strange, he slowly lifted my foot placing it in his lap.

"Does it hurt? Well of course it does but what I mean is how bad does it hurt?" he seemed somewhat, nervous?

"On a scale of 1-10, 8" I mumbled feeling my body break into a cold sweat.

"Ok, let me get you a damped towel, a pack of ice and I'm going call my doctor" he got up and walked out.

Soon after he was gone the 'glaring guard' came in.

"First night and you're already trying hard to get attention, pathetic little girl" he turned and walked out leaving me shocked.

What the hell!!

Unknown POV

Watching her made anger immediately surge through me, little slut, I thought, if I can't have Aaron no one can.

I've made sure of that before so I won't have much problem in getting rid of her too, at least I hope not if I can't get rid of her by the money then I will get rid of her by death.

Chuckling darkly to myself I stopped watching her and got in my car and drove off.

Short chapter I'm really sorry. Please remember to likecomment, and share with your friends. Thank you.

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