Chapter 6

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Aaron's POV

Realizing that I had finished all my work for today I decided to just head on home.

Mormally I would have stayed a little later to find something else to occupy me but since I know that Shai is at home I'm leaving.

Looking at my watch I realized that it's just 5:30, I walk out of my office locking the door in the process before making my way to the elevator, pressing the ground floor number I leaned on the elevator side.

6 minutes and some elevator music later, heard the beep before the doors slid open, re-adjusting my suit I made my way out the front door and into my waiting car.

"Mr.Steffando" my driver greeted me, nodding I slid in and closed the door.

              15 minutes later

I felt the car slow down making me realize that we are pulling up to the gates, after entering the passcode the gates opened letting the car through before closing again.

Pulling up to the front I got out before James could open the door for me.

Making my way to the door I listened for any movements not hearing any I quickly make my way inside and was about to call Shai when I saw her sleeping on the sofa, not wanting to wake her up, I gently sat beside her and started to play with her hair, I felt her stir before her eyes fluttered open.


Shai's POV

Feeling someone playing with my hair, I stirred in my sleep and was greeted with Aaron's boyish grin


"Hi, what time is it??, have I been sleeping that long??"

"No love, it's only 6"

"You are home early then "

"Yup, got everything finished today" he smiled

"Are you hungry? I made alfredo pasta"

"My favorite!!" he grinned rubbing his hands together, I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"So what did you and Anna do today??"

"Nothing, we just sat by the pool for the entire day" I smiled

"Really??!, you know I have a game room right??" he raised his brows,

"No I didn't know, remember that our tour stopped at the bathroom" I giggled but quickly caught what I said just by the look on his face.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Aaron", he chuckled before taking his food out of my hand and placing it into the microwave.

"So what are you doing tomorrow??"

"Oh, thank you for reminding me, I'm going to the mall with Anna if that's ok with you"

"No problem with me, be back early because I want to show you the rest of the house"

"Trust me, I was planning on coming home early" I grinned.

Taking my food to the dining area I sat around the table and a few minutes later Aaron joined me with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses.

"First night eating together, awesome!!" he grinned

"Ok weirdo", we both laughed before digging into our food hearing him moan slightly I looked up just to see that his eyes were closed.

"Sounds like you're having sex" I joked.

"This tastes really great, where did you learn to cook like this??"

"Well my mom used to teach me how to make Italian dishes, I now see why though" nodding his head he continued to eat.

Dinner consisted of light conversation and before we knew it we had finished eating and half the bottle of wine.

"Best dinner I've had" Aaron smiled, "Thank you for dinner".

He looks and acts so much different than the cold man that I met just a few hours ago.

Maybe this arranged marriage wouldn't be a bad thing afterall.

"You're welcome, since I did the cooking today I'll leave the washing to you because my ankle hurts and I'm tired" and as if on cue a yawn escaped me.

"That's ok Ari, go freshen up and head to bed, I'll be up once I'm finished"

"I was only joking Aaron, I'll wash up"

"No it's ok, it's the least I can do after such an amazing dinner" he smiled.

"Are you sure??"

"Yes Ari now go on up", hesitating for I a minute I nodded my head and limped up the stairs, I felt his eyes on me but I didn't look back.

Making my way to our room, I walked over to the closet and took out one of his white shirts and a pair of my underwear before heading to the bathroom, deciding on taking a quick shower I did so and got dressed before brushing my teeth.

Opening the door I walked out and saw Aaron sitting on the bed.

"You look better in my shirts than I do" he smirked.

"Whatever, I just wanted something comfortable to wear"

"Whatever makes you happy mia cara, if you'll excuse I'm going to take a shower"

Realizing that I was still standing in front of the entrance I move out of his way but not before he winked at me which caused a blush from me and a chuckle from him.

Rolling my eyes I made my way to my side of the bed, getting in I laid on my side so that my back was turned to the door.

Half asleep I felt the other side of the bed dip making me know that Aaron is finished.

"Good night Ari"

"Good night Papii"

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