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Seeing him on one bended knee before us, I scoffed.

"Lord Jay. Lady Anya." He greeted then rose to his feet. Like the rest of us, he was dressed formally in black. Except he had a tie.

Was that even permitted?

"Blaine." Jay drawled in greeted, a tilt of his head afterwards. "We leave now. Your timing is impeccable as always."

"Thank you, sir." The blue eyed Acquisition member replied. He held out his hand, palm up to Anya, and she didn't hesitate to place her dainty hand in his.

His hands were bare.

And she was okay with that?

I resisted to click my tongue against the roof of my mouth.

"Sullivan?" My eyes shot to the offered hand that was a few inches from my chest. "Shall we?" Her soft bored voice expectedly asked.

I sighed.

Despite her using that tone of voice, I can't really say no to her. She had that air of authority that if you didn't follow her request -orders-, there would be serious consequences.

I placed her hand within mine and I saw Jay place a hand on Blaine's shoulder.

"We depart now then, my lieges." The mode of transportation announced and that feeling in your gut that you were sucked into a tiny space returned.

This is just my third time experiencing this but honestly?

It sucks serious arse.

We arrived in a place that all seemed familiar to me. It was a nostalgic feeling seeing the familiar grounds that I spent my first century and a few decades in.

The grounds were still a lush green with swaying trees following the wind. White and blue flowers scattered throughout the grass. His pets were roaming at their own pace, their white fur and feathers clearly visible. The smell of seawater and the sound of crashing waves still flowed within the air.

The only difference?

Vampires were everywhere.

"Anya!" An all to familiar voice called out and next thing I knew, a blur of blue passed me before the hand I was holding was disappeared.


"Mother." Jay dryly greeted, his green eyes intent on the blue haired woman who had Anya in a death grip of a greeting hug.

If she's here, that means only one thing.

I approached Jay side before anything unfortunate happened to me. I could feel a familiar Senescence approaching at a steady pace.

"Beloved, what did I tell you about behaving like that?" Reeve's indifferent voice called from behind me. He didn't try to conceal the light Senescence he was emitting.

Vayne's gray eyes were mischievous as she tightened her hold on the red haired girl. She was also dressed in a floor length gown. The sleeves traced her arms and stopped at her wrists. The neckline was a bit low cut, just enough to reveal a blue pendant hanging on a thin silver chain.

"And what would you do if I didn't do what you want?" She taunted but anyone could see that she wasn't really serious. At that line, Reeve's face visibly softened.

He's whipped.

"I would would make sure you won't be able to find your niece for the next decade."

Or not.

Vayne visibly pouted and my mind's still processing the fact that these really old, and I mean old, vampires are acting like a bunch of human teenagers.

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