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The air seemed dead.

The people around me turned mute.

The bit of life inside of me seemed to vanish.


I'm not really one for yelling since I play it cool and all that but these people have managed to pull my strings too tight that I can't take it anymore. Sentencing me to detenu duty is worse than being sent to prison.

"I think everybody in the room heard just fine." Jay drawled, an irritated scowl on his face.

"I did nothing wrong. Nothing!" I spat. "And you're going to make me a detenu?"

"Calm yourself." Vayne chided, her voice cautious.

"I'm living a very comfortable life and you're going to take it away from me." I snapped. "There's the matter of Angelo's passing and I'm upset about that. I'm going to his wake out of the respect I have for him as my sire and my love for him as his friend."

"And you will be attending that wake along with your temporary sire." Reeve coldly said, his blue eyes almost transparent with the glow. "I don't care if you think we're being completely unreasonable but you'll understand soon enough."

Everything seemed to go down the drain and this is one of those moments when any one, be it human or supernatural, would want to just snap.

"Tell me, boy, have you ever heard read the short story 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream'?"

I knew better than to not answer that question so I responded "No."

"That's too bad because you're not going to scream about this decision at all or you will soon find yourself in a fate worse than prison or death."

"You can't get out of this, dear. It'd be best if you got acquainted with her as soon as possible." Vayne voiced out, placing a light hand on her chin. "The wake will be two days after today at dusk."

"Of course, Lady Vayne." I distressed. Obviously, I wanted to protest but I knew better than to do so against the woman who's married to a sadistic bastard.

"Splendid!" She lightly cheered as her husband returned to his spot beside her. "And, love?"

"Yes, beloved?" Reeve replied, running a hand through her blue locks.

"I'm horny." Reeve's eyes minutely widened. "And hungry." She added as an afterthought. I swear, if I was drinking something, I would've spit it out. Or worse, I would've snapped the neck of whoever it was I was feeding on. All the men-save her husband-has that uncomfortable look on their face and I just wanted to leave and forget this ever happened.

"I'll get you all the blood you'll need but I've no interest in having another mindless night in your bed." Reeve nonchalantly said.

I actually cringed and unconsciously took a step away from the white haired vampire. The way his eyes seemed to showed that he was used to this kind of banter.

"So, I'll just have a mindless night with a few humans then." Vayne chimed. "I'm sure they'd be willing to spend more than one night with me even without a little coercion involved." She joyfully added.

"Fine." Reeve spat, his eyes dangerously glowing. Is it just me or did the flames just jump?

To my surprise, Vayne hopped off her place ad soundlessly landed beside her husband in a slow glide. She then kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his torso. The bastard didn't bother hugging her back and I couldn't get over the fact that the bloke would let his wife-an undeniably beautiful wife-sleep with other men.

I know for a fact that there is no such thing as a vampire-human hybrid. The only way possible for vampires to propagate is through the transition. Vampire sucks human until the brink of death. Human drinks vampire blood and sleeps. I should know. I had to go through that. There were legends about there being pureblooded vampires. I don't know if it's true but once the vampiric blood within is potent enough, something happens.

Angelo had told me that there were only a handful of those pureblooded left but I didn't really believe him. He's mentioned before that these vampires weren't normal and I am utterly bewildered on how these two in from me are bickering about who's better in bed. Everyone else was acting like this was a normal reoccurrence for them.

Survival instincts be damned.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" I growled out. "This is just so wrong."

"And this is coming from a promiscuous vampire?" Jay sarcastically drawled. "Who are you trying to fool? We know everything about you."

"I think we're all a bit tense." Vayne said. "Let's just have him brought to Anya and we'll play it by ear from them on."

I didn't even get a chance to say anything. Blaine and Caleb placed a hand on one of my shoulders each and I couldn't help but feel anxious about the whole teleporting thing.

"Don't piss off the fish." Jay lazily warned and the next thing I knew, I was in front of a pair of massive wrought iron gates in the snow.

"You know, you're lucky that Lady Vayne had suggested that we leave." Caleb said. "Good thing too. I really don't want to listen to their whole 'my horse is bigger than your horse' argument again."

"A hundred years and they're still at it." Blaine muttered in agreement.

"Considering that you're early must mean that my dear uncle and aunt are having that argument again." A light, monotonous voice said from before us. The two beside me fell to their knee with their heads tilted down and when my eyes focused, I thought I died.

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