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April 15
9:38 AM
Office of Alicia; The Matchmaker

Giorgio's P.O.V.

"I gathered another list of possible candidates for you. Most of the ladies are in the age range of twenty-one to thirty-five, all coming from a well-off background," Alicia informed, the matchmaker my parents hired to help find a suitable woman for me.

She pushed the stack of folders in front of me, wanting me to go over them. Since it was monitory for me to be here, I took the time to look over each file thoroughly. Each folder contained a profile of a possible match for me. A face and body photos were inside every folder, along with information on the candidate's likes, dislikes, a ballpark figure of their net worth, education, and work history after that was a more detailed history of the candidate and their family.

There were a few candidates that I have met for some sexual pleasure in the past. They are not as innocent as they claimed to be in their profiles. The rest were just not my type. In all, I didn't see anything that would be worth handing over my bachelor card.

"Your parents preapproved this list," she when on to say with a smile, "the list would have been a lot longer if they weren't involved."

"They are involved because they want to have control over me," I informed the matchmaker as I pushed back the folders.

It's been nearly one month since I started meeting with this matchmaker and she still hasn't found someone even close to having me think about settling down, not that I have any plans on settling down any time soon. I begin to wonder when will this matchmaker give up, which would give me a few months before my mother find another matchmaker. For me, it was a hassle to come to her office every week, looking at profiles of women I have already had or women I have no interest in. My time is valuable and can be put to better use than being here, like running my company or traveling.

"I'm guessing that you are not happy with this pick of candidates either," she asked, already knowing the answer to her question "it would make your parents happy if you at least go on a date with one of them, at least it while show you are trying."

"Their happiness is the least of my worries," I groaned with frustration.

"Well, I will have my team put together another list for you to rejected in next week," she smirked, already knowing the outcome of our next visit.

Alicia was looking at a folder that was in a different pile from the one she had me look over. I decided to hang around in her office because I knew my father had hired someone to follow me to make sure I was going to these appointments.

"Who is that for?"

"Another case of mines. This case is somewhat special. These clients found out that their son has the Omega Gene," she informed without looking away from her computer "they would like to try matchmaking than have him go on random dates."

"So, he has the Omega Gene. I don't see why they would come here to see you."

"Of course not! Besides, you have the Alpha Gene," she said in a more sterner tone than she usually does "guys with the Omega Gene come to matchmakers to find someone they are compatible without the trails and errors to end up knocked up by some deadbeat. So, it's my job to do my best to arrange them with people who are best compatible with them."

"Can I have a look at his file?" holding out my hand "I'm curious to how you would pair this guy to someone."

"Well, if you keep this between us," she said in a stern tone.

Giorgio's Unexpected Chance | BxM (Only Sample/On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now