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CHAPTER 16 | HOTEL MEETGrand Central Hotel

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Grand Central Hotel

"What the hell he thinks he is doing?" Juliana shouted as she tosses the magazine across the room.

"How do you even know that is him," Juliana's assistant, Mia slowly picked up the magazine and turn the article "you only see his back, it cloud be anyone."

"Trust me. It's him," Juliana begins to pace around her room as unanswered questions filled her head, "and what the hell the article means, love is in the air. Giorgio isn't into men."

"Honestly, you can't believe everything these magazines put out," Mia went on to say in a factly manner, "there have been articles about you that are not true."

"I know," Juliana points to the magazine that Mia was holding, "but they wouldn't have written that article if they knew it was Giorgio."

"True," Mia thought on the situation a little more, "maybe he wanted it to get out, but his identity stays anonymous."

"But why," Juliana let out a faint laugh at Mia's thoughts "Giorgio is far from taking any interest in men. He is straighter than a pole."

Juliana knew deep down that Giorgio wasn't interested in men, yet couldn't shake a feeling that he was doing this for some reason. She knew this article wouldn't have seen the light of day unless he wanted it to happen. Her mind race to try to figure out what Giorgio was planning, and if it would affect her plans.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell to her suite pulls her out of her thoughts as she watches Mia open the door.

"You have some nerves calling me," Audrey slowly made her way into the suite "you lucky I'm in the same hotel. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come."

"Have you seen the news about your brother," Juliana asked as she hands Audrey the magazine.

"As if I-" Audrey paused in mid-sentence when her eyes landed on the photos, she could tell it was her brother. Her eyes slowly move to the person he was with, "Zion Thae. Now, this is very interesting."

"So, you know the other person," Juliana curiously asks, "what is he doing that close to my man."

"Oh, he is your man, is he?" A faint smile played at Audrey red stain lips "hard to tell from the news from Miami."

Audrey and Juliana weren't friends, nor would anyone call them that. For Audrey, it was all about entertainment and sticking her nose in her brother's business and causing havoc in his personal life.

"Do that guy know who Giorgio is," Juliana went on to ask, "why is he holding on to Giorgio's arm?"

"I keep forgetting you are not from the area," Audrey look at Juliana with amusing eyes "Grandiose Country is like its very own world, news that doesn't happen here rarely makes it to the covers. I'm sure that Zion doesn't know who my brother is, but they do make a good couple."

"No, they don't," Juliana took the magazine from Audrey, "your brother and I make a good couple, and I'm gonna find out what that guy wants with Giorgio."

Audrey studies Juliana's body language, and after a few seconds, she knew what she was thinking. She knows how possessive Juliana can be over her brother, but she felt like she should at least warm her.

"I would advise you to not mess with Zion Thae," Audrey warns as she steps closer to Juliana "his mother is Divya Wang and will destroy your little fashion career without messing up her makeup."

"The designer?"

"How many Divya Wangs are they in the world," Audrey asked sarcastically.

"I'm not scared of her," Juliana went on to say, "I still have a bone to pick with her."

"Oh, that's right," Audrey snap her fingers as if she remembered something "if I recall right, she called your company mediocre on national television."

"But look how big my mediocre company became," Juliana said with a smile as she praised herself.

"Only fools wrestle with sharks," Audrey shrugs with a sigh, knowing that Juliana will still do as she please, "she has more money and power than she lets on, don't give her a reason to sweep that red carpet from beneath your feet."

"Is that a warning," Juliana asked in a sterner tone.

"You will soon realize that Grandiose Country is not like New York City," Audrey slowly made her way towards the front door, "as far as my brother, he will be at the Spring Gala tonight. I am sure you already have an invite."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Audrey let out a faint laugh "this is just too entertaining to pass up."

Juliana watches as Audrey left her suite.

"Why are you with this Zion," Juliana turns back to the article in the magazine "What are you planning?"

"Why are you with this Zion," Juliana turns back to the article in the magazine "What are you planning?"

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Well, this is the end of this chapter. I know it was short, but hope you enjoyed it.

Below is the cast in this chapter.

Audrey Sultan | Juliana Hartfield

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Audrey Sultan | Juliana Hartfield

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