Chapter Four

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Once I woke up the next morning, I waltzed downstairs to breakfeast. Perfectly cooked bacon, fresh scrambled eggs, and just to perfection fried sausage. It doesn't take too much perfection in food to impress me. In my opinion, I think that perfect food is microwaved food. 

Not in this house though. In this house the microwave is forbidden to be use for anything other than a keep-it-warm machine. Rich people don't use microwaves is my first lesson learned here at the Bennett house.

I was told to sit down at the table by Mrs. Bennett, the grandma. The Bennetts didn't have a mom. Obviously since their dad is dating my mom. I did as told and sat down. Next thing I knew was that I was  sitting next to Will. 

"Well good morning, Johnson." He said as he walked over to his chair and sat down.

"Bennett." I replied with a slight nod. Sometimes, I'd forget his name so I just started calling him by his last name. The other reason is that he calls me by my last name. I thought only guys were supposed to call other guys by their last name? Oh well.

"Did you sleep alright?" A feminine voice asked from the behind of me. It must have been Layla, the youngest Bennett. She didn't look old enough to be Haley. Quiet frankly, Iwasn't sure I wanted to even meet Haley.

"U-um, yes. I did. You must be Layla?" I said in a shaky tone. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I guess it just came out because I wasn't expecting to meet her for some reason.

"Yes. I have already met your sister. Her and I are rooming together," She looked at me then paused as she sat down, "Valorie has told me some crazy, crazy things about you. Good, but crazy."

My sister did what?! Why would she tell someone about the things I have done. I swear that girl was about to pay big time. She knows better than to tell people about my life. 

Will chuckled then opened his mouth to say, "Crazy things, huh? Think you wanna tell me about them or should I just ask your sister?" He then smirked and raised his bushy eyebrow.

"She is about to be dead." I shook my head in frustrastion and got up from the table, leaving all my food behind. I stomped up the stairs, forgetting about the elevator, and into what I thought was Valorie and Layla's room. But it wasn't. It was Logan's room. He had just gotten out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around him. 

"Holy mother trucker!" I screamed and shut his door. Next thing I knew was that I had Will running next to me. Smiling, of course. 

"I heard screaming and needed to make sure you weren't literally killing your sister." He half smirked and look at me in confusion. "Why are you standing in front of Logan's door?" He then questioned.

He probaly thought I was doing something with him or something. I wasn't, trust me. By no standards would I ever do anything with a Bennett boy. They seem like too much trouble. The older ones, atleast.

"No," I cocked my head then began to speak again, but this time I had a more cocky tone of voice, "I thought that was mine and your sisters room." 

I swear I already couldn't stand that handsome, boy. He was so hot, but such a dick. I mean, I'm a dick, but he is a dick. Like even the first words he said to me were cocky. I don't know where it came from because his dad and other siblings are no where near like him. By any standards. The rest of them were nice and outgoing. Well, the ones I have met so far. I still have to meet Logan and Haley. No, my encounter with Logan was not a meeting. It was a complete accident.

"Yeah, okay." He walked off and then entered his room. I was so thankful that Farrah and I were going to be getting together today. I would actually have some of my life back. She was going to be picking me up for the movies and ice cream around 12:30. It was only 10:00, which meant that I had to suffer two and a half more hours with him. But, I'll actually just stay in my room and get ready. Maybe listen to some music, and choregraph some dances. I don't know. We will have to see what the world throws at me today.

All the world ended up throwing me was a text from Farrah telling me that her dad needed her car today and wouldn't be able to pick me up. Meaning the only way we could meet up is if I could drive. I didn't have a car here. I have a car at home but no to get home.

"I'll try and get someone to drive me to my house to get my car. Then I will meet you at your house. Sound good?" I sent her back a text message then threw my brand new iPhone onto the bed. Well, it didn't exactly land on the bed, it landed on the floor. Cracking my screen.

"Shit!" I screamed, "Why does this shit always happen to me?!" I threw my hands up in the air and then over my face. Bowing down over my brand new, cracked iPhone, crying. 

I jumped onto my bed and into my pillow. I grabbed my hand and took a long, deep look to my ring. It was my promise ring that my dad gave me the night before he passed away. He told to me that it was a gift to me and to him. He told me to wait until I was married and prepared for sex. I have always told myself that I will never break that promise. He also gave me a security blanket when I was five which I will never grow too old for. I will hold that thing until I die. It will be buried with me. I don't care who thought I was a baby. When it came to my dad, I didn't care about anyone or anything. I miss him more than the world itself.

If I had a genie, all of my wishes would be for my dad to be back here with me. All three of them. He was such a caring and loving man. The more I think of him, the more it hurts me to be here. 

Suddenly my door flew open and a small feminine figure stood in the doorway. Valorie.

"I heard a scream and ran. What happened?" She asked, panting. I must have really scared her or something.

"Nothing. I broke my phone." I replied and laid my head down back on my pillow. 

She know knew that something else was up with me. She could always tell when I was thinking about my dad. She wasn't as close or anywhere as near as close to him as I was. Me and my dad had an unbreakable relationship. Unlike any other.

"Its dad, isn't it?" Valorie said as she walked over to my bed and took a seat next to me. She then patted my back and softened her voice. "Raleigh, I think about him too. I know I wasn't as close to him as you were. But, I still try to think about how he wouldn't want us to cry or be upset. He wants us to be happy. It was five years ago. I'm not telling you to forget about him, I am telling you to think back to all the good times you had with him. Have tears of joy, not tears of hurt. He didn't want to leave us. He told me that he thought God was telling him it was his time. And it was. We will see him again someday. He still loves and think about you, Rae." 

 That speach that my little sister just gave me opened up my heart and spoke to me. She was 100% right. He didn't want me to mourn over him. He wanted me to be happy for him to live his days in harmony. He wants to look down on me and smile because I'm smiling.

"Valorie, I can't thank you enough for being here for me when it should be mom. I love you." I hugged her and gave a small kiss to the top of her forehead.

" I love you too, Rae-Rae." She smiled then got up and walked out.

My sister can be a little pest but when it comes down to it, I love her more than anyone on this earth. Yes, we fought and got mad with one and other. But, every sibling does that. She was the other half that made me full. She would never leave me like my mom did.

The next thing I saw was a male figure in my doorway, clapping his hands in applaud. "That was very moving." Will said then walked to my desk and sat down. "Your little sister knows what she is talking about, huh?"

"Yeah, she does most of the time." 

He looked down then back a m, with a curious but serious face. 

"If you don't mind my asking," He looked at me. "What happened to your dad?"

I thought we were done with this subject. 

"Luekemia took him." I said, tears dwelling in my eyes. I wanted to start crying but then thought of what my sister just said.

With a suprised look his face he looked up at me and said, "My om died from the same thing."


Heyyyy guys! I really need some comments below :) Thank you if you have read this far, t means alot. I will upload asap. Thanks and have a wonderful night/day! :)

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