Chapter Thirteen: Say Something

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I made it back to my house, yes my house. Not the Bennett house, my own. I was gonna stay here for awhile to clear my head from all the drama going on in my world.

With mom at the hospital, not wanting to leave Valorie, I was alone at once. Will was hardly any help through this whole thing. Yeah, he was there in the beginning and stayed for a little while, but then he just disappeared.

"Do you really have a valid reason to be mad, Raleigh?"

"You told him to leave."

"All he did was what you told him to do."

The thoughts went through my head.

I lied there on my bed looking up at my popcorn ceiling. My mind wandered all over the place, about all things. Valorie, mom, dad, Will. But it always ended up wandering back to Will. I felt bad.

"Why do I always have to push people away?" I said to no one in particular, angry with myself. I had pushed away my bestfriend, my boyfriend, my mom, my sister. No wonder Valorie ended up in the hospital.

Loneliness is a scary and haunting feeling. You're trapped.

Except Valorie didn't choose to be lonely. She was practically forced to be alone. By my father, my mother, by myself. We had all just assumed she would be okay. That she would not really notice.

What a stupid assumption.

How can you not notice loneliness?

"You are just scared to let people in," I heard a familiar voice carry from my doorway. I sat up in shock, scared. Only to realize it was Will.

"Will how did you get in?" I asked him, not even needing to ask how he knew where I was. My mom probably told him.

"Your mom told me that you would lock the doors," he walked over to my bed and sat beside me. "She also told me that there was a spare key in the mouth of the huge, weird fish statue."

That statue my dad and I got a farmers market when I was ten years old. We had just moved to this house and were decorating it. Dad and I loved fish. When we came home with it in the back of my dad's pickup truck, my mom about died. She hated it. She thought it was a tacky piece of junk. But they fought it out and of course, since my dad technically owned the house, he won. We moved it near the doorway and it's been there ever since.

"Yeah, but why are you here?" I had asked with a confused tone in my voice.

"I had to see you," he pulled me into a hug and continued, "It's the first we've been apart since you moved into my house at the beginning of the summer. I just couldn't take it, I need you."

I smiled through the hug.

I just sat there in his arms and held back the tears. No more tears for me. Valorie was fine.

Moments passed and still no words came out of my mouth.

"Say something," Will said, still holding me.

"I just miss him, Will," I failed. The tears came. It's been five years, almost six. I should be okay with the fact daddy was gone. Forever.

I knew he knew who I was talking about because he hugged me tighter and then let go to look me in the eye.

"Your dad?" He asked me, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah," I said in short reply to him. "He was the one always there for me and always knew how to make me feel better. Then he just left. My bestfriend in the whole world left me, not that he could help it. But nothing is easy anymore." I barely finished the sentence, tears streaming down my face.

I pulled my hoodie over my head, propped my knees up to my chest, and buried my face into my legs.

"I know how it is," he put his hand on my knee, "Now my mom and I didn't have exactly the same kind of relationship you and your dad had, but I still understand the loss you feel. She helped me in ways my dad couldn't and had ways to comfort me that no other person possessed."

That did make me feel better. He did understand the loss of a parent. He knew how it was. How things change dramatically in your life forever.

"I know you do, and that makes me feel better," I lifted my head from my legs and looked at him. "I'm grateful to have a boyfriend who understands it all."

I kissed him. I was not going to hold a grudge over him for leaving me at the hosipital. Yeah, it was a pretty douchebag thing of him to do, but grudges are immature. As long as I knew he was faithful, loved me, and always had my back, that's all I needed.

He laid me down on the bed and kissed me continuously. He took over his shirt and grazed my body with his hands. Once to my waist, he lifted my shirt and brought it over my head, taking it off. Our kissing got more intense and now we were only in our underwear.

He removed his lips from mine and moved them down my neck to my chest and kept moving down. He made it my jeans and unbuttoned them. Pulling them off, his kissed my legs.

We made love.


"Raleigh," I felt a nudge on my shoulder from behind me. "Wake up, I'm bored. Let's do something today." Will had said, begging practically.

I turned around in the bed to greet my hot boyfriend. He kissed me right as I turned over.

"You look sexy," I winked at him with a smile and messed up his beautiful blonde hair.

"As do you, gorgeous." I couldn't help but to smile and kiss him once more.

I pulled my covers off and crawled out of bed. I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on.

"Will, come join me, babe." I yelled from the bathroom.

He appeared not but seconds later in the bathroom. Obviously, he didn't think twice about it.

"Anytime," He pulled his clothes off and got into the shower after me.

We showered and got ready for the day. We had decided we would go to the hospital to visit Valorie for a bit and then go to the beach, since we hadn't been there all summer.

I wore an orange and blue floral dress and some sandals. Underneath it I had on my brown lace-like bikini on. It was sexy. My hair was in an up-do for now, and my makeup was light, but pretty.

Will had put back on his clothes he came in last night since he had no clothes here. We would stop at his house on the way for him to change.

"Okay, let's go," I grabbed my bag and told Will who was sitting on my bed, texting and waiting on me.

We got into my car and headed to his house. This should be a fun day.


Hey! So new update for LWTBB! I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry if it was a bit inappropiate, but I did put Rated-R on the rating! :) Anywho, it would mean alot to me if you guys left some comments of what you think of the story so far! I'm kind of thinking you guys are getting bored with because I see no comments! Do as you please :)

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