Chapter Seven

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It's a good thing I have her. Lina, you know. Without her, I probably would not make it through life. I'd probably already have scars on my arms and tear stains on my cheeks. She has saved me from doing alot of things. Let's not go back to those things just yet though.

The Gym.

The place I go to relieve stress and pain. I like to run my pain and sorrow off. Or work it off. Usually by the time I am finished with my workout, I am refreshed and have forgotten every reason I went there anyways. 

"Be there in ten." I had heard a 'bing' from across the room. It was Lina.

I waltzed downstairs and had a slight trip down the first two steps. But nothing noticable to anyone but myself.

Lets get one thing straight, I am the biggest clutz this world has EVER seen. I trip every five steps. No joke. If you ever take a walk with me, just beware to catch me at any giving time.

"Where are you going?" The sound of Will's voice lingered behind me as I made my way down the stairwell. 

Sighing I said, "It doesn't matter to you. I am going to the gym with a friend. Are you happy I am getting out of your house for more than ten minutes?" 

I seriously haven't left his house for more than ten minutes all summer. That was only to take the dog on a quick run up the street.

"Yep. Super exicted. Bye." He said to me. Ass. I was saying that as a joke but apparently he is too stupid to realize it. If there ever was a chance for him and I to have a relationshp, chances are gone now.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks. Bye, hoe."

Yeah, that's what he gets for being mean to me. Being called a hoe. It's okay though, as it was only the truth. His little brother has told me that before I arrived here, Will had a new girl in the house every week. Therefore, my statement or whatever, was true. Win.

He didn't say anything after that. Me taking it as he was hurt by my language towards him. I don't even care.  He was the one who pissed me off first. So, it was my turn to be mean.

I reached the bottom of the stairwell and walked towards the door and out of it. I thought that in the meantime waiting for Lina to arrive, I'd just listen to music. So, I plugged my earphones and opened Pandora. Five For Fighting radio. My favorite of all the stations I ever listened to. People used to make fun of me because I didn't ever listen to pop music, or rock, or country. I listened to Indie rock. It's what appealed to me, and honestly I didn't give on flip what anyone thought. 

Ten more minutes passed. Making here ten minutes late. I didn't mind though. If I were her, I'd probably be twenty minutes late. Never have I been the girl known to be on time. Ever. Even as a child my mom always got us to wherever we were going atleast twenty minutes late. Making me follow in her path.

"Hey, baby!" Lina exclaimed with a wink. What a weirdo. 

I laughed, "Hey, babe." 

"So why exactly am I here?" She asked with a curious tone and a slight smile.

Sighing I said, "I need to get out of here. I have already been here two weeks and it's eating me alive."

"Makes sense." She started off the driveway. "Any cute boys?" 

Oh no. Don't do this Lina. 

"Yeah, there are." I laughed. "His name is Will. He is a jerkface tough. So, that ruins it really." I didn't have to explain any further. Lina knows when I want to stop a converstaion and she stops talking about it. Thank God. I don't need a friend to annoy me. I already have enough of that to deal with.

We were probably around five minutes from Golds Gym in Hensley. The weather never really got hot here. Just warm. Never over ninety degrees.

The radio was on and I heard the lyrics, "Am I better off dead? Am I better off a quitter?" It was one of my favorite songs of all time. Nothing by The Script. Such a good band. 

Tears. They started rolling down my face as I listened very closely to the song. The words actually touched me. Made me feel the pain he was feeling when he was singing or writing this song. How much heartache and grief went into that song. No one ever thinks of that. They just think that its a sob song and that once it's over, well, it's over. 

"What's wrong?" I heard the sweet voice of my father. What was this? He is dead. He can't talk to me. 

I cried out, "Daddy?!" Lina probably thinks I'm a lunatic. I wasn't illusionating. I actually heard his voice. I know that familar voice. He was actually here somewhere, talking to me.

"Honey, it's dad. I am an angel now. I have been looking after you. I know mom left you for Kyle. You have to forgive her and forget about it. What if something happens to her and she died with you mad at her? What then? You'll feel guilty."  This is not real. It can't be.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I have been very busy lately and I don't know if I will even be able to get another chpater up soon! Dont hate!! 

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