Double Trouble

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"My gosh Laskie, you're sexy as hell when you're threatening somebody," Jerome whispered into my ear as we walked out of the penthouse.

"Like I told your boss, it wasn't a threat merely a promise." I stopped when we got outside and turned down an alley to sneak him home.

"Okay sure, but really it was insane." Jerome gave me a little smile at his wording and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Look, are you coming home with me or do you need to go play lap dog to Mistah High Up?" I gave him a look at the nickname which only fueled our laughter.

"I've got a little while before I have anywhere to be." He got a mischievous look in his eyes as he said those words.

"Do I even want to know where you've got to be?"

"Probably not, but it's gonna be epic." He was starting to get excited and I knew that meant something bad.

"Jerome, with you if something is gonna be "epic" that usually means there will be a lot of blood," I told him, which only made his smile grow. We sank into a comfortable silence the rest of the way home.


We walked into the dark apartment and made our way to my room. Jerome walked around surveying all of my things, much like he did the other day. he picked up books and looked through my crappy drawings - I was nothing compared to Potter. He even rummaged through my closet, claiming that he had to know all about me and clothes told a lot about a person. We laughed the whole time he was looking at things. If he found something weird or particularly interesting he would hold it up and do some funky little face or even a little jig.

It was getting to be close to dark when he found my music player. He held it up as if asking if he could play something and I gave him a nod. He fiddled with it for a minute before a slow song came on. He stood up and walked over to where I was sitting on the bed and held out a hand to me.

"My beautiful Queen of Hearts, might I have this dance?" His gentlemanly act was hilarious on it's own, but nevertheless I accepted.

He pulled me up off the bed and soon we were swaying in the middle of the room to some soft music. My head was laying barely in the crook of his neck while his head was laid on top of mine. Personally, I'm a crappy dancer, but Jerome seemed to be a natural. We went from the gentle swaying to twisting and twirling and laughing the whole time. I wouldn't call it a date, but it was as good as if we had gone out on the town.

The music stopped and I had to ask, "Where'd ya learn to dance like that Joker?"

He gave a little grin at the words that came out of my mouth. "Well, in the circus you can learn anything. I just happened to pick it up along with some other things, but that's for later. Now, what's with the new nickname, don't I already have a dozen?"

"Well if I'm Queen of Hearts I thought it'd only be fair to give you a card related name as well. I thought with how much you laugh that Joker was fitting. Also a Joker is rare and beautiful, just like you." I looked up at him, and this was perhaps our most intimate moment yet. He leaned down to kiss me, it was soft and passionate and it led to more...


I woke up in the morning, next to a mess of red hair. I hopped out of the bed with a small smile on my face and went to the bathroom. I washed off yesterday's makeup then took a shower. It was only when I hopped out and wrapped in a towel that I realized I didn't bring any clothes in with me. The mental face palm I did wasn't even enough to describe my frustration, but I pulled the towel tighter around me and went out to my room hopping that the sleeping maniac was still asleep.

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