Magic Madness

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I was bored again. Jerome had left taking with him all the excitement he brought. I  went around doing a few chores here and there trying to pass the time, but everything I did was dreadful. Throughout the day I couldn't get Him off my mind. I worried about him whenever he was doing what he did. I knew I shouldn't worry, but it just happened. No matter how horrible his acts were I cared about him.

Tonight he said he was going to have a lot of fun, and that's what set me down my rabbit hole. I kept thinking back to Galavan, how untrustworthy he was, but I let it slide because this was Jerome's last stunt for him. I couldn't say I wasn't happy about that.

I finished all the little tedious house chores and decided to flick on the TV. I knew that whatever Jerome was doing it would be broadcasting from every news station.

"This is your newswoman bringing you the scoop of the day. I'm here outside of the Wayne Benefit where a the well now group Maniax! has taken over. The GCPD is working to-"

The lady was cut off by the camera switching to the smiling face of Jerome Valeska. He was on the phone talking to Jim about the lady that was tied up behind him. I saw the blonde from the penthouse antagonizing who I assumed was Dr. Thompkins. Something Jerome said though cut me off, because it was about me. 

"Ya know Jimmy, I've got a girl too. She's great, but cha already knew that cause you've met her. She's something isn't she, my Queen of Hearts." Jerome's face got this loving look on it before he went back into his bickering with Jim. It all ended with him laughing crazily into his phone and staring down the camera.


I had been watching the whole ordeal with wide eyes. From J shooting at people to laughing his head off, he was captivating in a way that was horribly wrong. I was about to turn in for the night when I saw him grab Bruce Wayne and whisper something to the buy. Jerome had a knife pressed to his throat and looked about ready to spill blood. I'd never been okay with him killing, especially not kids, so I was half ready to close my eyes when Galavan jumped up behind Jerome. Everything happened in slow motion after that. Bruce left Jerome's grip and then a knife was buried in the neck of my Ginger.

I didn't cry or scream or do anything that someone would expect a girlfriend to do. I stared at the screen, open-mouthed, as paramedics whisked him away. I don't know how long I was in this position, only that at some point Potter came in and wordlessly sat beside me as I laid my head on her shoulder and cried my eyes out.

And as I sat there crying, the full magnitude of the situation hit me. My Circus Mystery, My Psychotic Ginger, My J was dead. It was this thought that sent me over the edge. He was gone and nothing would bring my Joker back.


A/N This one is really short, but I thought where I ended it would be a really sad and wonderful place for a break. So there ya go.

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