We're All Insane

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I walked down the path that led to Jeremiah's metal prison. He said it was the safest thing in the world, but I had my doubts. I saw another car parked right next to the entrance and immediately I was concerned. I knocked furiously on the door before The metal moved to reveal Potter.

"Hey love, who's car is that?" I asked jerking a hand to the dark colored vehicle.

"That would be Detective Gordon and Bullock's car. They're inside-talking to Jeremiah. He's trying to conceal Jerome, but it's not working very well." She seemed a little on edge and quickly motioned me in.

"Look you need to stay close to me wh-" she was cut off by Jeremiah's chest soon followed by a sadistic laugh that could only be one person.


"You turned everyone I ever loved against me. I'm not gonna let you take Alaska." Jerome grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him.

"You think she wants to be with a psychopath? Huh Jerome? You think she wants to be with someone like you? I didn't turn her against you, you're doing that just fine on your own!" Jeremiah was yelling in Jerome's face at this point and I didn't know what to do to prevent bloodshed.

Jerome charged at his twin, taking him around the neck and ramming his blade against the soft flesh. Potter sent me a pleading look, begging me to control him, before something happened we'd all regret. I tried to think of something to tell him something to say, and then it hit me.

"Just you wait Mama's boy, you'll soon be just as insane as I am." Jerome laughed in Jeremiah's face. I could see Potter almost in tears, still sending those pleading looks as the two detectives that had just appeared held her back.

"Jerome," I waited for his attention to focus on me. "Jerome you turn your ass around and look the hell at me right now!" That got his attention, he kept the knife in place but reluctantly looked at me.

"Yes, doll. I'm kind of in the middle of something." He was getting fed up but I didn't care. The salt from my tears fell into my mouth as I gathered up my courage.

"Am I enough for you?" I let the question linger in the air as I watched his facial expression.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Of course, you're my Queen of Hearts." He looked at me incredulously.

"That's not what I mean and you know it."

"Then what is it Alaska? I'm trying to finish off the last bit of my family here." He pulled the knife away to indicate his intentions.

"Well then you'll have to kill me." I walked to him and grabbed the hand that held his knife and placed it on my neck, I heard Potter let out a half scream at my action, but didn't pay it much mind.

"Jerome baby, I'm your family as much as he is. I know that scares the shit outta you, hell it scares the shit outta me. I've never trusted anyone like I've trusted you. Jerome please don't do this, let's go home." His eyes softened and he let his hold on Jeremiah loosen enough for the boy to wiggle away.

"You're not gonna leave me? Everyone leaves me." He looked down at me, the smile that was usually on his face was replaced with worry.

"You think I'd leave you? I've put up with you this long, why would I throw away all that hard work?" He moved the knife to his pocket and wrapped me in a hug, then he said the three words that I'd wanted to say since the moment I saw him. "Alaska, I love you. I love you more than blood, and murder, and laughter-all that shit that I love, Laskie I love you more."

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