Happy Birthday You Psychos

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It was October thirty first, Jerome's birthday. Potter and I had made plans to get the boys to go out and cause some trouble while she and I set up.

"Jerome, love how about you go out with Scarecrow or Penguin and have a laugh?" I asked the Now twenty year old maniac.

"Why ya want me gone? Besides Penguins an idiot, thinks he can double cross me." He huffed a little before letting out a smile. It took some convincing, but by the end of our conversation he was going out to have some fun.


"Potter, my Ginger is out on the town...how's your greenie?" I asked into the phone.

"He's out with Bruce Wayne making some bomb or another. I'll be over in a bit." She hung up and within twenty minutes was knocking on my door.

She came in with bags of decorations and food. I was instructed to hook up the stereo and prepare the food while she set up.

"So Alaska," she turned toward me with a questioning look, "Jeremiah and I were discussing some plans and we wanted to talk with you and Jerome."

Her words took me by surprise. I wasn't exactly sure what Jerome's plans were, but he had mentioned wanting his brother with him.

"I think that'd be great. Jerome and I would love to have the two of you as allies, maybe even partners." I began to get excited at the thought, much like Jerome. "Think of it Potter it'd be great!"

"But with the boys at odds?"

"They'll get over it. I'm not going to let their little rivalry ruin the royal family." I couldn't contain my laughter and neither could she.


The boys walked in a few minutes after we finished setting up. She and I were singing along to every song that blasted through the apartment while decorating. We hadn't been expecting them for another couple of hours, so when they walked in together followed by who I assumed was Scarecrow, Penguin, and Jervis Tetch I got a little worried.

"You assholes weren't supposed to be back for a while," my twin and I yelled at the same time to our respective partners. The two boys and their entourage just laughed.

"Fine then, no cake for you." I took the large cake with purple and green icing back toward the kitchen.

"No no come on babe, it was hilarious is all that you two did that. Besides dontcha wanna hear the news?" He'd come up and grabbed around my waist, twisting me to face him.

"Maybe I do." I crossed my arms over my chest, oblivious to those in the apartment who were staring at us like hawks.

"Jeremiah and I are great! We're gonna rule Gotham and he agreed to be my best man!" He was jumping up and down until Potter made a scene.

"What the actual hell! You're getting married and didn't even tell me? I thought I was supposed to be your maid of honor?" She was close to livid until I calmed her down.

"Of course you're my damn maid of honor, Potter! I just didn't think we were telling anyone yet," I said directing a glare towards a still smiling Jerome.

"Oh yay!" She clapped her hands together, "let me see the ring!"

"I don't have one, it was a spur of the moment decision that sort of happened yesterday." I laughed at the situation before turning my focus from the now pissy Potter.

"So Jerome, would you mind telling me what the hell three strangers are doing in my home?"

"Actually doll face, these are my friends. It's my birthday and I thought you'd forgot so I just got them over to talk murder and such." He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Okay then. Well Potter and I got a little food together for our two best guys' birthday and there's enough for everyone!" I turned to face the three new people.

"Hi, um I'm Alaska and that's Potter," I jerked a finger towards my sister, "don't vomit any crimes in the immediate vicinity and we'll be golden. Now, cake!"


"Look I'm not saying that we need to blow everything up, just enough to earn some respect," Jeremiah said to his brother, "I've got a bunker full of generators turned bombs down at a facility. With your mind for violence, and my mind for well everything else, we could get Gotham down on its knees for us."

Jerome nodded his head a little before opening his mouth, "as great as that sounds I don't want Gotham on it's knees - that's someone else's job," he sent a wink to me but I just stuck my tongue out at him, "I do like how you're thinking though. All your bombs will be great fun."

Potter and I walked out onto the terrace, leaving our psychos to debate world -or Gotham- domination. We were just sitting there staring at the city, that had no idea of the havoc our boys were planning for it, in complete silence. We hadn't really spent a whole lot of time together since we met the Valeska boys two years ago. Our lives since then had been one event to the next and that wasn't going to stop now.

"Alaska, are you happy?" Potter turned to me with a lazy smile but seriousness showed through her eyes.

"Of course. I know Jerome is different from what I had pictured in life, but he makes me happy. I don't pretend to be okay with the murder he loves but I love him. I couldn't be happier; in fact," I trailed off not knowing if she's like what I was about to say.

"Well spill babes," she said nudging my arm.

"We has a pregnancy scare the other day and as scared as I was, I was more disappointed when the test said negative." I looked to her and gave a laugh, "I'm nineteen, engaged, and my boyfriend is a psychopath, and I couldn't care less."

"Hey, I'm nineteen and my boyfriend is a psychopath who lives in a metal box inside of a maze-how d'ya think I feel. But, I couldn't care less because of how I love him."

"We're so screwed up Potter I swear."

"Maybe, just maybe, we're both a little insane."

"I'm okay with that," I said in complete seriousness.

"Me too Laskie, me too."


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