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A/N- I'm just giving a little heads up that this part could be triggering to some people towards the end. The last sectioned off part is where it gets sort of iffy, so just a little author's note to let y'all know.

The day was already half over and I still didn't know what the hell Jerome was on about. The only logical thing to do in my mind was to turn on the news- which I didn't always trust-but considering I have Jerome confirming whatever comes on I decide to take the chance.

"Earlier this morning the first attack of the Arkham escapees was made known. The group took seven citizens to the roof of a Gotham building where they were thrown off to spell one word.


After the lady finished speaking the TV showed the crime. There were seven bodies all bent at abnormal angles in pools of blood. The screwed up bodies were dressed in straight jackets and did in fact have the word Maniax! written in red spray paint.

I quickly switched off the TV before I could here anymore. My breathing was starting to become rapid and shallow and all I wanted at that moment was to be held together. I knew what this was but they didn't happen that often so I can't ever remember enough to stop them. I just sat with my back against the wall, tears streaming down my face as all the pictures of what Jerome has done, will do, and could do flash through my head. That's isn't what scares me through, it's that I try to justify every single thing he could ever do.


My phone started ringing, which broke my intense staring match with the jar of peanut butter I was eating.

"Hello." I say around a mouth full.

"Hiiiii would this be the lovely Alaska with her mouth otherwise occupied?" The voice on the other end sounded exactly like my ginger, with that same playful tune.

"Maybe, I'm currently working on a jar of peanut butter. Would this be my lovely Circus Boy?"

"Yes it is. Now, be ready in about an hour cause that's when I'll be there." My attention turned to the clock which did in fact read five o clock.

"Alright alright don't get your uniform in a twist."

"Did you just use my darling Arkham uniform for the sake of a joke?"

"Maybe I did. Whatcha gonna do about it ginger?" I did my best to make my voice sound tempting, but that was never my strong suit.

"I'll show you exactly what I'm gonna do about it doll, tonight that is." His voice was deep and predatory which sent shivers down my spine.

When I didn't here another word from him I shut the phone off in order to catch my breath. I was still feeling down, even after the talk with Jerome, but now it was more manageable. I decided it was time to get ready and headed for the shower.


The wind was lightly blowing as I stood on the fire escape waiting for J. He said to be out here by six and it was now fifteen past. I wasn't exactly worried that he wouldn't come, but I didn't like that he was late and I was siting on a metal bar all dolled up. Right as I was about to go in I caught a glimpse of red, the color that could only be Jerome.

He climbed up the steps with a smile on his lips and this adorably weird bounce in his step. He didn't notice me watching him yet, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. He was in a semi normal looking suit that made me feel severely under-dressed in my black skirt and dark green sweater.

"Hiya gorgeous, you been waiting long?" He looked me up and down before letting out a low whistle, "maybe I shouldn't have left ya waiting so long. I really hate to miss out on even a moment with you."

When Alaska Met JeromeWhere stories live. Discover now