Months in Arkham

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Jerome was carted off to Arkham just seconds after kissing me. It was our first -and probably last- kiss, which he gave me barely a moment after bruising my arms, romantic. He's completely insane, but I can't get him out of my head. It's as if his insanity has invaded my mind and taken hold. I know I'm not the most mentally stable person, but I'm not insane - at least I thought I wasn't, until Jerome. Is it wrong to want someone that's done something so wrong? Is it wrong to think he still has a bit of my Jerome left in him? Or was he always like this, is this my Jerome? I don't know.


I walked into the apartment, expecting to be greeted with Potter's sarcasm filled voice, but instead was met with complete and utter silence. I made my way over to the fridge, in desperate need of chocolate. I absentmindedly pulled the door open and grabbed the dark chocolate from the drawer. I looked down to the bag of chips in my hand and saw a bright yellow sticky note with Potter's handwriting stuck to the bag.

Hey babe, I tried calling but you didn't answer. I'm a little pissed that you were MIA for an entire day, but I figured if you were to come home this would be the first thing you grabbed, so I'm at Jeremiah's house. See ya later twinsie.

I flicked the sticky note in that totally cliche movie way, pondering the name Jeremiah before deciding that this was the name of Coffee House Boy. I didn't think to much on this seeing as Potter was a big girl and could take care of herself. So, grabbing the chocolate and my most recent book, I went to the couch to lick my wounds - metaphorically speaking.


1 Month After

"Jeez Laskie, you're starting to creep me out," Potter called from the kitchen. I was currently staring off into space, which I'll admit, could be classified as creepy.

"Please, please, please tell me what's wrong Laskers. I want to help you and be here for you, but I can't if I don't know what's up." She sat beside me on the couch and wrapped me in a hug as she tried to pry the information from me.

"How can you help?" My voice was a little hoarse from the lack of recent use, "This situation is so screwed up, I swear."

"Well, if I haven't left ya now I don't think a little bit of screwed up is gonna do it." She lifted her brow in a way that said she meant it, but I was still reluctant to divulge the information.

"If I tell you, you're not allowed to judge me or yell and scream at me. Okay?" I looked up at her concerned face as she offered a nod to tell me she agreed.

"Okay, well the thing is the boy I was seeing he did something bad." I looked away from her eyes before I could read her emotions.

"Alright. I'm not yelling, screaming, or judging, but could you define bad?" She had caution in her voice, which was something that Potter did not typically have.

"He-he," I stopped to struggle with my tears while Potter sat there holding my hand,"Potter, he killed someone and they sent him to Arkham."

She held true to her word, not making a single move as she took in the newly found information. Her hold on my hand didn't falter and she made no move to bolt - but I never really thought she would, it was just the thoughts that always controlled my mind.

"Okay. So, your Circus Boy-"

"Jerome." I cut her off to supply his name.

"So, Jerome, who you'd been hanging out with had a psychotic break?" She was watching me with a calculating gaze as I looked for words to give her.

"Yes, at least that's what the detectives told me when I was at the station."

"Mhmm, and you haven't been to see this guy for how long?"

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