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Kai's pov.

Nya has been gone for 2 days now. I would be lying if I saw I'm not worried. Yes, I disowned her, but I still care, just a little.

Wu gave us the day off, so the guys practically dragged me over to a festival. But seriously, why did I have to come!? "Uuuuuuugghh... why did I have to come with?" I groaned.  "Because it's fun! Stop complaining Kai!" Jay almost yelled. Cole placed his hand on Jays mouth. "Yes, you're excited, we get it. Now stop yelling!"

I shook my head with a smile. "Where to?" "Let's start with the cafe, I heard the cake there is the best!" You can all guess who said that.

We agreed and walked towards the small cafe. I frowned when I saw a girl with black hair, just like Nya. Is she...? No. Ugh, I'm starting to see things. That was... until I heard her voice. 

"What's wrong?"

I looked back at her, wide eyed. "Nya?" She turned around so I could see her face. Even with the mask, I recognized her. Her eyes were wide. She quickly stood up, grabbed her stuff and talked to the girl in front of her, who I didn't recognized. ((Pixal's appearance changed when the girls rebuild her)) 

"Let's go home." Was what she said. The girl nodded and stood up as well.

I chuckled. "O, you're running away? Expectable. You're weak." I snarled at her. She froze and slowly turned to me. "You. Don't. Know. Me." She said. "O, don't I?" 

She shook her head. "Not anymore. I'm changing and you can't stop me." She turned to the girl. "Let's go." She started to walk away. "Weak!" I yelled after her.

I guess I made a mistake.

3e person pov.

Nya groaned and turned around to face me again. "I'm not weak!" "Yea right, like-" he got cut of by something no one expected.

Nya punched him in the face.

In the f*cking face.

O, and it wasn't a weak punch, no. She used her training, nearly knocking. Him. Out.

"Repeat that." She growled. It wasn't a 'I'm-trying-to-sound-though-but-I-won't-hurt-a-fly-growl'. More like a 'I-swear-to-god-I'm-going-to-kill-you-one-day-growl'.

Jay took a step forward. "Wow, wow, wow! Since when are you-" Nya cut him of with another growl and a glare. "Stay. Out. Of. This." He stepped back, obviously scared.

Nya turned to look at Kai again, a death look in her eyes. Pixal stepped forward. "Nya, look at me." She said, her voice gentle. Nya slowly looked up at her. "I know you're mad and, being honest, I would be too. But this isn't how to deal with it." She stretched her hand out. "Come on, let's go home. Let's go back." Nya hesitatingly placed her hand on Pixal's. Pix smiled and gave the others one last glance before walking away with Nya.

After a view moments of silence, Cole spoke up. "That girl... didn't she look a bit like Pixal? Before she was dismantled?" Zane nodded. "Yes, she did. But why would she help Nya? She would have no reason." Jay helped Kai up, who rubbed his cheek. "When did she get so strong?" Everyone looked to where the girls disappeared. "Maybe we'll never know..." Cole said.

Meanwhile, Pixal and Nya we're back at Zenda. Nya looked at the floor, her mind obviously in another place. Pixal looked worried at the one she already called a sister. "Nya?" She asked hesitant.

"Train me." Was all Nya said.

"Are you okay? I mean-" "Please, train me." Pixal made Nya look up. "Nya, I-" "Pixal, please! I don't want to be something that can be called weak!" Pixal sighed. "Alright, but once you're too tired to continue, we stop. Deal?"


Pixal drilled Nya to train for hours, not a break to spare. Once she was to tired to move, Pixal helped her to her room. Nya fell asleep within seconds.

((Crappy ending of the chapter, but I'm tired, don't blame me XD))

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